


7 years, 10 months ago


A Sun Step was brought into the company and they waited until it was time for it to have a child. They then took the child and dumped the other Sun Step somewhere random. This Sun Step, named Bean, never saw anything outside. They were kept in a box with large panes of glass that allowed the guards to see in, but didn't allow Bean to see out. The small box was dark, excepting the heat lamp in the corner that kept them mostly alive. Every blue moon, a sky light was opened to give them some sun light, but that was it. They couldn't even see the sky during this time. Bean's purpose was to supply a slave trade, forced to make children whenever possible. The children were taken from them and either sold or worked for the traders. If Bean tried to escape, the guards would electrocute them and hurt them badly, so they tried very few times.  One night, though, something went wrong. Bean couldn't hear any guards  outside. They decided to take a chance and melted the glass with their hands. When they found no one was watching them, they made their escape into the world.

While in captivity, they were fed the bare minimum. They were often handled roughly, given no chance to escape or feel even slightly free. Sometimes  would lash out at others like a caged animal. Pads heat up when stressed/ nervous

"Jumprope, magic tricks, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches" are what the mother said their interest should be while we were talking about them

Created 6/19/16