😈💕 kiki 🎀✨ ([ 😈 ] - ext. bio)



Quote here.
name kiki
age ages w me
gender agender
pronouns she/mew/fae
species demon
orientation greyrose bi
status forever homed

code jiko


silly demon girl who roams around the web and posts art x3 !! she has a big interest in all forms art but digital art and animaton catch her eyes the most! kiki is a romantic, maybe.. bordering a hopeless romantic, she loves to indulge in romance genres in anything, no matter how cheesy it is, she gushes over it all. despite being a demon, she's not what many may think, evil.. mischievous... well that might be a half lie she is a bit mischievous and loves to be a troublemaker. but she gives off a lot of puppygirl energy, making her come off kind and lovable. she loves her friends and always tries to help and support them. with being a dog type person, comes her cat type bf, tobi !! she loves him dearly, feeling the most comforted and sweetest when around tobi.

tobi (her bf), donuts, milkshakes, shiba inus, knives, spicy/sour food, nostalgia, the internet, anime, manga, romance
art block, loud noises, crowds, math, extreme weather/tempature, bugs, family gatherings..

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

no backstory sorry :p just a demon who roams around the web and loves posting art

Design Notes
  • two fangs out and always has a >:3 face
  • she has two small angel wings on her back, they r not clothing !!!
  • please DON'T change her pupils to black or change the shape... they are heart pupils with a white ring
  • "2nd persona" I GUESS. bc i forgot to actually upload these refs on an older profile so on th terms she was created "dec 29 2017"
  • was a redesign of another persona "bee"/beatrice bc i disliked and lost connection of an old design of her, but it was like idek two versions of "bee" sort of thing one demon and one angel, demon is more silly, angel is more - evil, w/e
  • semi-truesona...?

Music Box
Insert the lyrics here
if you want...