-Jiihad Mamul



7 years, 10 months ago


Upon birth, Jiihad was given an amulet by an unknown figure.... an amulet that would grant him the ability to speak to any creature. He held onto the amulet for a long time, not knowing the true purpose of it, until one day, he met a strange bunny-like creature, who spoke to him. The amulet glowed, and he knew. The creature told him of the location of two more amulets, and that they would grant him great power. Power not only to speak to the beings, but connect with them mentally, and even physically. He is now in possession of all three. (Ears + Necklace.) He does often run into trouble, though, as legends do tell of these rare and valuable amulets, and there are many people after him trying to get them for themselves.......... (ALSO THANK U SO MUCH TO GARRETT FOR GETTING HIM BACK FOR ME... KISSES)