


4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Black (nickname as nobody knows his real name)

Age: 41 years

Gender: Male

Guide: (Original) Raven - Black; Koi - Silver and orange

Ability:  He has multiple abilities, the total amount is unknown but his original ability is to manipulate shadows, even seemingly bringing them to life.  He can restrain or injure people with them as he can control the "solidity" they have, whether they behave as regular shadows or if they can peel away from their source and turn into a dense, sharp, but insanely thin blade.

One of his other confirmed abilities is being about to control another user's Guide. He cannot destroy, damage, or otherwise kill them but he can make them dissipate/disappear for a few moments which causes the user's ability to be disabled/stop working for that duration. He can also cause the Guide to attack other Guides, though this doesn't seem to hinder anyone. The ability is not activated with any physical contact but rather he uses his Guide to "attack" (these specific guides are fish...) the opponent's Guide; triggering the ability.

Personality n stuff: Oddly caring for the members of his organization but still stern. He is rational and puts his organization before others and himself. He does hold himself to a standard higher than what he dubs "the rabble" or basically any member of the public or lower ranks of the mafia.  He treats other Guided people with respect so long as they do the same, if someone is abusing their power he will show them their place. 

Appearance:  Middle aged man, always wearing tinted glasses that block one from seeing his eyes completely. Many do not know his face. He always wears a long scarf. Very little of his skin is exposed, usually he has gloves and a long coat.  (No other info atm)

Other:  Leader of the Southern Mafia. He seems to be a very mysterious man, nobody knows his background or how he acquired multiple abilities. He never seems to carry weapons. He rarely allows more than only one or two people to be within close proximity him; only allowing his most trusted subordinates to be alone with him. He will often go by himself to recruit ability users into his organization.