Weird animal yes.



4 years, 11 months ago



Species: ender.. dragon? Nah just a creachure without realy much of their species alive rn

- teen in human years aka normal aka main, tho she still a child, usualy for their species and also mentaly


- Kidcore, but like winny child type, but also, lil tallented smart child


- achualy those black spikey thingie can easily become longer max 2 meters longer, for achual flying, arms becoming longer also but mostly just be glidin'

- swallowed some magic parasuite stone when was just from the egg, now it crawled and living instead of her heart

- black bones

- have iltle litle bulb tail, and its small😳 cute, i mean like frogs tail

- no tongue but have tongue like bulb what not realy not connecting to her mouth its like super glued with meat


- when flying on super higt speed, or their around record one she be teleporting on 1 meter or more distances in each direction(keeping and doubling speed with each teleport) and then there will be big warp and shell be in random place she know of or which she picked

- also when teleports there alot of purple smoke from the big warp, and alway be purple enderman particles from small ones

- she will keep that crazy ass speed what were doubling alot from teleports and it will be pretty hard to stop, but after so much gore and broken bones she now just realy mastered flying around, and its also helped controll her not realy manevreble wings so well