
Gender: Female

Age: Mid 20s

Birthday: July 4th

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Blue

Tail Color: Red with White stripe

Sexual Preference: Straight

Loves: America, Fireworks, Burgers

Hates: High Prices, Cheap Makeup, Party Poopers

    Charolyne was an odd little fishy, born in the southern USA, someplace near the gulf of mexico. Unable to really help out, and growing up at a time and place that wasn't prepared for Mythical beings to be living in, Charolyne often stood back and watch while her folks and brothers helped out around the house; slowly sinking more time into how to look prettier. Around her Young Adult years, she was offered to be a model, someone to pose for the camera given her appearance. She took the offer and gave it her all, making a good start as a model. Now, she's a model mainly known for promoting events very centered around american holidays and events, though isn't shy with a little bit of fun. With her heavy southern accent, she's always ready for a good celebration, especially on Independence Day!