


7 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

[ Basics ]


Valencia ("Val")


female (she / her)





Personality Type

ESTJ-A "The Executive" { "Embracing the values of honesty, dedication and dignity, people with the ESTJ personality type are valued for their clear advice and guidance, and they happily lead the way on difficult paths." }

Positive Traits

allocentric (interests pointed towards others; community-minded), decisive, focused, eloquent, incorruptible, loyal, people-smart, blasé about stuff she's experienced before (calm in stressful situations as long as they have happened before), logical, magnanimous (only when they've admitted she's right), meticulous, persuasive, romantic, venturesome, quick runner, optimistic in most situations, charming, clean and tidy about surroundings

Neutral Traits

ambivert, big-thinking, businesslike, confidential on her secrets and other's secrets, dominating, competitive, skeptical, stolid in arguments, soft-spoken (her voice is sweet), artful, neat-freak, dreamer, idiosyncratic, mystical, stubborn, tough

Negative Traits

sly, deceiving, passive aggressive, too confident in her words, arrogant, complaintive, cold, pessimistic to other's situations, calculating, cantankerous anytime something doesn't go her way, childish, critical, delicate about appearance (to offend her personally, insult how she looks), devious, egocentric (to herself), frank, opinionated, predatory, sanctimonious, strong-willed, wishful, blind to pick-up lines/romantic advances unless they're absolutely forward, weak physically


being right, company, dominating others, fluffy moments, cuddling, strawberries, the new, defending, tricking others, stealing human's items ("empowers" her), creating plans, retorting comments in conversations she wasn't even a part of, causing arguments, her family, being forward and blunt for shock, making people feel dumb (confidence booster), hiding in high and small places (in a tree for high, in a tree trunk for small)


humans, thunderstorms, bugs (including butterflies, but acts like she loves them in front of Virgil), predictable situations, being wrong, being insulted about appearance, being patronized, not knowing about a topic (will research relentlessly right after a conversation and come back the next day with an information overload), being openly emotional, babies (unless she were to have her own), starless nights

[ Kin ]


{brother} She and her brother are very close. It's difficult for her to get mad at him, and often looks to him for optimism during difficult times. She often rambles her ideas to him in order to distinguish the important ones, even if he isn't usually listening. She will pick fights with anyone who simply seems like they're going to harm her brother, often resulting in getting injured because of it. This is since she took her pact of the "Sibling Code" when they were younger a bit too seriously. She never learns from these mistakes, and will continue to defend her brother with her big mouth. The only thing she would not want to change in her life is her family, as they have been with her since the beginning of her life, making her devotion to them deep and endearing.