Felix A. Atramentous



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Felix A. Atramentous


Silver Blooded Human

Racial Description

The first humans ever to be created before corruption and crossbreeding plagued the species. Their blood runs silver as they were made to be pure and untainted. Due to the purity of their blood they are free from the coil of disease as well as anything that may be considered impure. This makes their blood a double edged sword, while they cannot contract disease or infection they also cannot be enhanced by anything such as lycanthropy or vampirism. Their blood is so pure it even prevents the use of magic's such as those that may cause disease or those that would be considered "Infernal". Being a silver blooded human does have its pure benefits though. They are 3x stronger and faster than even the pinnacle of regular humans at their base strength. But this is yet again a double edged sword. To be stronger and faster their muscles and bones are 3x as dense. This makes a silver blooded human heavy, very heavy. Due to them being 3x the density of a regular human their bodies are much tougher but if they were to break a bone for instance it would take 3x longer to heal. There are a plethora of other features but everything is pretty much self explanatory. This race teeters on the edge of perfect balance at most times.












Earth (in the year 2049)

Appearance Description [Body]

Standing at 6'7 Felix is a large man with broad shoulders, his chest is wide but toned and chiseled. At first glance almost anyone could tell that he had been through the wringer just by the fact that he had scars covering his entire torso front and back, they covered his thighs and right arm down to his elbow as well. His left arm is trapped inside of a massive monstrous gauntlet, it sticks out easily in a crowd. The fingers of the gauntlet hang just past his knee extending well past where his arm should end inside of it.

Appearance Description [Face]

Unlike his body his face doesn't seem to have any scars on it. Almost as if he had never had so much as a scratch on it. His features were sculpted and well pronounced. Both of his eyes were silver like 2 shining pools of mercury surrounding his pupils. Whenever his blood would rush to his face he would take on a semi metallic look instead of a redness.

Appearance Description [Hair]

His hair is black, mid length, and unruly most of the time. its likely that it will be stained silver at times from his own thick blood. His facial hair really isn't more than stubble at the moment but given time will most likely grow into a full beard.


Freelance Hunter (Of Sorts)


Unaffiliated (Currently)


Felix unlike his father has a heart capable of compassion. He seems large and rough and even scary at times but he will help anyone that hasn't angered him or wronged him. On the converse it is relatively easy to anger him and he prefers to fight when given the option Fight/Flight. He is satirical, sarcastic, and maybe just a little hotheaded. He isn't cocky or arrogant but he does not doubt his abilities, once he has been beaten he isn't afraid to admit it but he doesn't consider himself beaten until he is injured so badly that he is knocking on deaths door.

Trait 1

(The Smell of Death): To the extremely trained nose he carries the scent of hundreds of other types of blood with him causing his aura to bring with it the smell of death. But only to those with a superhuman sense of smell otherwise to the untrained nose he smells clean and fresh most of the time.

Trait 2

(A Cursed Heart): This isn't as much a trait of his personality but more of something a healer or doctor may notice. His heart rate is slower than normal while perfectly healthy it is constricted by magic to limit him, it comes from an attack used by his mentor that doubles as placement for a seal the attack itself is called the *Six Crown Punch* The curse on his heart prevents him from completely berserking on a target when his blood starts to rapidly pump through his body. Any attempt to heal this injury has resulted in his temporary death followed by resurrection brought on by the curse.

Trait 3

(A Bloodthirsty Grin): His full smile even in the most pleasant situations can make him look blood thirsty or crazed this is why he avoids showing his teeth as much as possible when he smiles. Its just a statement to his character and how he was raised, with enough practice it may be phased out eventually.

Trait 4

(A Factor of Extreme Intimidation): Felix has a looming presence about him that seems to cause fear in the more faint of heart or weak individuals, it has a history in scaring away masses or people in his world for no reason at all. This particular presence even seems prominent when he's at rest.

Important Possessions

1: A sticky note sized slip of paper with a strange symbol on it that felt inherently magical but served no purpose 2: A picture of a large group of people standing outside of a cabin all tied into various shenanigans 3: A small stake sheathed into a slit in the metal of the gauntlet near the shoulder. 4: A thick featureless metal mask with deep claw marks and gashes covering it. It was scorched as well and even almost looked to have a crack over the right eye.



Felix doesn't remember the earlier years of his life up until he was 5 at least. He was raised by a single father who had a tendency not to show affection towards others, this brushed off on him early and influenced his growth as a person greatly. His father was a hunter of legendary and ancient beasts and refused to set that aside even for his son. This forced Felix into a life of fighting and killing and even learning to use every type of weapon ever made with great proficiency. He was already covered in scars by the time he was eight and had killed over seventy monsters by the age of nine.

His memory is foggy but within the next year his father brought him to a place deep in the forests of his home world called *The Hounds Rest* it was almost like a lounge for the tired hunter, they spent a while there, over 6 months at least. Hunting, killing, and learning to survive felix was being shaped to be the ultimate hunter by his father with the help of 2 other men. One was a great sage of the forest that taught Felix the law of the land and how to use it to sustain his own life as well as teaching him the Riastrad. The other man was his father's best friend, he never said much and always believed that Crow was too soft on the boy even though he practically nearly tossed him to his death hundreds of times. Despite that everything was going great for the longest time until one day his father began acting very strange talking secretly to his best friend about some omnipotent force that was coming to their world. Felix overheard their conversation but only briefly but his father didn't sound scared he sounded prepared. That same night while felix was asleep his father vanished and was never seen again potentially having been killed or taken from their world.

But luck was in his favor [~~Or so he thought~~] when the best friend of his father took him under his wing. The man was a fourteen thousand year old ancient and one of the first 5 living beings in this world. He was not like Crow he was from an older and more cruel place, He didn't care if Felix survived his training or not. If he survived then it showed he had learned and was strong enough but if he died it would only prove that he was weak and a failure. Over the next 13 years his new mentor subjected him to only the harshest hunts and elements in their world, everything from hunting Inside of active volcanoes with no weapons or water to diving into the coldest deepest parts of a great near frozen ocean to flush out the beasts that he was forced to hunt. Most of which nearly killed him.

The top priority beasts his mentor forced him to hunt were called *The Nightmares of Sevchenko* horrific creatures manifested from the passing dreams and thoughts of the creature his father had spoken of before. Though Felix didn't know that, to him the name Sevchenko was nothing more than a title given to these vicious beasts with magical bodies that caused wounds that no magic could heal.

One night when Felix was 16 he awoke to find himself bound to a stone table by black chains wrapped in blue flames that for some reason caused no burns. His mentor had slid the articulation of a bone gauntlet over his arm. It was massive at least half a foot thick from the inner rim where it met his arm at the thinnest parts of the gauntlet. It was carved to fit snug around his arm but that was not good enough for his mentor.

He had also carved barbed rods made to anchor the gauntlet into Felix's arm. The timing couldn't have been worse for Felix to wake up because just as he did his mentor drove the anchoring rods through his flesh and bone from dozens of points at every angle imaginable.

The pain was excruciating but no matter how much Felix tried he could not break free or speak, it took him only a moment to realize he was paralyzed and could not move. His mentor had no mercy for him he simply continued on as if Felix couldn't see him.. he slowly pushed needled threaded with a cable made of some sort of tendons through each point of articulation using magic to weave it all together through Felix's body like a web that when moved any type of way forced the gauntlet to respond. He then used to same magic to merge it to Felix's own flesh on a subatomic level.

All of that was before he had been summoned... it was now time to let his story begin here..


1. The Anti-Magic Leviathans Bone Gauntlet: The Massive amalgamation of shifting bones and thick plates that cover his left arm it hinders him from casting left handed as well as allowing him to use his left hand to defend against magic but only through contact with the magic by the gauntlet specifically.

2. Sól Manipulation:

simply another name for Heliokinesis the ability to absorb and exert light energy in a variety of ways. It can be useful for creating white hot attacks or even just brightening up a room but the amount of energy you can exert is Extremely Finite it is based on what you absorbed while in direct contact with any form of light energy

3. The Riastrad:

This ability/technique is in essence a warp spasm. The users body contorts in extremely painful ways as muscle is generated from the inside of their body outward, muscle fibers will pierce the skin and loop back inward almost turning the user inside out to briefly give them a massive boost to strength or speed but it cannot be used without exerting a near fatal level or protein from the body and only lasts a short while.. after that the excess muscle simply dies and falls loose from the users body whilst the protein deficiency and injuries to the skin remain. [inspired from the fable of Cú Chulainn but personalized and adapted to suit]

4. [Summoning] The Mausoleum:

The Mausoleum is a very large Ultra-Greatsword-(like) Weapon made from a black material shrouded in mystery. It was once his Father's sword, but once his Father vanished it was left behind at the spot where Felix's Mentor rendered him unconscious before leaving. Its exact properties are unknown to Felix but its blade so far hasn't shown any sign of being breakable and it is fairly dull. But to Felix it only serves the purposes of a regular weapon.[its traits as a weapon are as follows.]

The first trait is Separation into 4 different blades.

1: The Coffin. The handle pulls from the larger blade producing a very large black greatsword long and heavy and almost an inch thick at dead center. It has a stabbing point and is sharp on both edges.

2: The Nails. The handguards of The Mausoleum detach pulling out into 2 twin sabers with blades that are connected to the handles by steel cables allowing them to be launched in various thrusting styles.

3: The Tombstone. The blade of the Mausoleum has the capacity to expand in width by sliding apart revealing an internal central plate and a handle. This effectively almost makes it a full body sheild certainly durable enough to withstand almost any attack thrown at it.

4: The Burial Policy. The sheath of The Mausoleum is made from the skin of the leviathan, it can only be damaged by another part of the same creature. This sheathe has all the properties of the leighlines of the worlds woven through it like a spider's web. There is a handle on the side of this massive sheath and due to the magical properties of it the person holding it can charge it with their magical prowess so as to use it like a ram rod.

5. Resonance:

Resonance is a magical ability that allows Felix to split himself into 2 beings one carrying his Magical Strength and the other carrying his Physical Strength. While one would be adept at casting the other would be incredibly strong. They each have their own mind though and do not share thoughts but anything that 1 learns becomes knowledge for both once they become one again.