Yuki Nikawa



4 years, 11 months ago


SHSL Traditional Artist

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Name Yuki Nikawa
Age 19
DoB October 18th
Gender Male
Sexuality Homosexual
Height 5’ 6” (167cm)
Race Japanese
Weight 115lbs
Origin ???, Japan
Alignment ...



Yuki Nikawa was born on October 18th to his mother and father (Who are unnamed atm.). Growning up was pretty normal for Yuki. His mother was a normal stay-at-home mom and his father worked as Anthropologist. With his mother home all the time, she spend most of her time with Yuki which created a strong bond between them. He found his love for drawing at a very young age but his mother didn't think too much of it at the time. His relationship with his father was a bit weak. Though they both love each other, his father was not around a lot. He usually comes home on hollidays and sometimes birthdays. Yuki was always excited to see him thought. Once when he was 2, he got into a phase where he legit begged for a new sibiling. Obviously that never happened.

Growing Up

When Yuki got older, he soon found his love for the Victorian Era. At the age of 5, he wandered into his father's office and randomly started to look though the many books that were set up in there. Yuki fell in love with the style and stories from the era, which caught the eye from his father who then later reads more stories to Yuki, giving him more in depth details, and showing art work from the era. Unfortunately tragedy stikes when Yuki is 7. While on a buissnes trip, his father got into a deadly car crash that killed him on impact. Both Yuki and his mother fell into a deep grief state for a while. Years later when Yuki is 10, he loses his mother from a genetic illness, Dementia. After his father's death, Yuki's mother's health and sanity quickly declined and near the end, it was Yuki's aunt that took him in. While his mother was sick, he drew a lot of pictures for her to try and cheer her up. He even hangs them up in her room so every day, she could see something new when in reality, she has already seen it.

Current State

Yuki still lives with his aunt but due to her also having the same genetic illness. He doesn't mind taking care for her though. He is a freelancer thatdoes does heavy detail artwork for buissness. He mainly focues of gore art for personal drawings. Though he finds out a bit later in his life, he too also has Dementia but doesn't tell anyone about it in fear of people fussing over him. He just wants to live his life to the fullest. Even if he forgets some important moments over time.




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