Ciarán Park



4 years, 10 months ago


A not-quite-human not-quite-alien entity. His age isn’t too certain, but you are able to tell he has existed for longer than the 20-something years he presents as having. He has a strange fascination with the universe, the night, and what resides in both. He is nocturnal, but also doesn’t sleep much, he is up from late afternoon until a little past sunrise. He says he only sleeps so he can dream but will not share about what. He likes partaking in small indulgences such as night markets, street food, and deserts. He is not one for things of material value but rather sentimental. However, he isn’t a hoarding type, and lives semi-minimalistically. He does have a soft spot for small trinkets and souvenirs, he has a multitude of star shaped and star patterned objects. He carries a flip phone and collects charms and keychains to decorate it with and swaps them out often. He isn’t the most technologically advanced and gets his news from the radio and his information from books. He doesn’t speak often, when he does, he is wise but also cunning, he doesn’t have to say much to get his point across. He also isn’t typically swayed by others, he is firm with his beliefs. Despite having the ability to manipulate, he is non-confrontational and prefers to deal with things civilly. His sense of humor is odd and slightly off-putting but non-offencive to people who are not used to him. He loves learning and talking to people and listening to their experiences. He will never say no to being told a story. Generally, he is kind to all people and beings, he doesn’t like to hurt animals and eats a pescatarian diet but would not force it on others. While being a friend to all, he doesn’t seem to really form long lasting bonds or have the inclination to. 

He emits a strange aura, it makes you feel a little too comfortable too soon after meeting him. You have an instinctive trust towards him, but you’re not sure why. His skin feels of old book pages and reddens and bruises easily but returns to normal more quickly than an average person, he also doesn’t seem to be bothered by illness or allergens. When you put your head on his chest, you can hear a low rumbling instead of a heartbeat. You can assume his anatomy is that of a human, but you cannot be sure. His body structure is lanky and boney, he’s on the taller side but his small frame downsizes the actuality of his height. Despite his size he has slightly more than average strength, he enjoys physical activity but was never one for sports or competition. When not doing something or having something to do he becomes restless easily and has taken up the habit of pacing, making origami stars and cranes, and occasionally will pick at his hands. Structurally, his face is like that of a typical Taiwanese man’s, but his nose has a strange curve to the tip. His eyes are deep, dark, and rather encaptivating. His hair is clearly bleached blond as he doesn’t care to touch up his auburn brown roots until they are prominent. He covers most of his body when around others, he likes face masks, cloaks, and scarves. Fingerless gloves are a favourite of his as well. He enjoys painting his nails fun colours, and generally prefers wearing colours instead of greyscales.