Matthias (matt)



4 years, 11 months ago



Name Matthias

Age 19 years old 

Gender Male

Race Jackalope-Possum

Role Comfort Character 

Value NFS


Matthias grew up in a loving home with both his parents: A jackalope for a father and an opossum for a mother. It was a strange pair for sure, but they made it work. When Matthias was born, they taught him to turn a blind eye to the hate he might receive when he was older, yet he didn’t understand what they meant by this.
 It wasn’t until grade school he understood the bigger picture. He saw everyone had same species families, while he was the only one with an inter-species family. He wasn’t treated the best because of this, some would poke fun at him while others went out of their way to make it hell for him.
However, he did get through everything, not with the best choices made throughout the experience, but he’s still here and alive. He later met other inter-species offsprings on a chatting app made specifically for them. He works at a tea and coffee house, he saves up every cent to see his Inter-species friends every chance he can get.
They were also the first to know about him coming out as a trans male, he later told his parents, which to his surprise they were highly accepting of him. They tend to house his friends when they come to visit so they won’t break their banks.

He can be usually found at comic book stores finding vinyls and old cds of popular songs. He loves vintage styles and also takes part in many aesthetic communities. He jumps from being a cottagecore prince to spiked collar loving alt boy. He loves to dip into different aesthetics, shown by his wardrobe of different styles all thrown together. As a trans male, he still finds himself loving feminine looks and styles. He’s the type to say “Boys can wear skirts and I’ll look better in them than you Karen”. 

"Let’s break those homophobes niko niko kneecaps!"

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