Ladybug Man



4 years, 10 months ago


  • Name Ladybug Man
  • Gender Male ♂
  • Pronouns He/His & They/Them
  • Orientation Demisexual
  • Species Industrial Robot (2nd generation)
  • Serial number CND-009
  • Role Pollination, ecosystem and insects protection

Special Weapon

[ Thunder Bug ]

Ladybug Man sends a powerful electric shock on his foes with his buster.

Weakness: Air Slasher


[ Entomology ]

[ Botany ]

Trivia facts

  • Ladybug Man has insect-like wings. He is able to fly long distances, and for a long time (without really tiring).
  • He is very afraid of his brother Taïga Man because the latest has already ripped off one of his arm for no reason, just out of sheer malice.
  • Date of character creation: June 2019


  • The CND numbers (siblings)
  • Lady (his girlfriend) and Emerald Swallowtail (his adoptive son)
  • Ladybugs and insects in general
  • Plants and Flowers


  • Pesticides
  • His brothers Taïga Man and Desert Man, because they are agressive fighting robots.
  • Violence
  • To be beaten

Ladybug Man is very good hearted. He is know to be generous and altruistic (He loves helping others when they need it), also optimistic and positive. He's a romantic and a dreamer. But sometimes (and seen his past), he tends to lose confidence in himself, and depreciate himself.


Before being a CND numbers, Ladybug Man was the robot of several owners. All these owners had the particularity to be careless, mean, see extrememy nasty with him. The worst one was his last owner, a rich industrialist choleric and violent, who spend his time to beat and insult the poor Ladybug Man.

Ladybug Man keeps very bad memories about his past, but he NEVER talk about with his siblings and keep all for himself.

One day, out of anger, his last owner, the rich industrialist, decided to separate himself from Ladybug Man. He went to a junkyard, in order to meet several scrap dealers (big guys not very convenient, some came with their big dogs/mastiff …), to whom he could possibly give the robot, for the sole purpose of recovering the parts.

But unfortunately for him, the scrap dealers were not really interested in Ladybug Man, because they considered this robot model too old and obsolete, and that they would not be able to sell the spare parts of it anymore, because it was technologically backward. It was at that very moment that a tramp and his robot-dog appeared in the junkyard. The tramp begged the rich industrialist to give him his robot, because he felt a bit lonely and wanted a robot to talk to him, because apparently his robot-dog could only answer with "Woof!". Wanting to get rid of Ladybug Man at all costs, the rich industrialist accepted and gave the robot to the tramp.

The three left the junkyard and when they were far enough away, the "tramp" removed his costume and revealed his true identity, as the robot-dog takes the form of a humanoid / android robot. The mysterious characters were none other than Dr. Carol Night, a robotics scientist and one of his creations, the CND-008 FoxTerrier Man. Their goal was to save Ladybug Man, fixed him and gave meaning to his life. Since then, Ladybug Man was happy and grateful, and absolutely loves his siblings (he is very close to them). The only thing that makes him sad, is to be Taïga Man 's scapegoat, the brutality of this robot remind him bad memorires.


The CND numbers

[ Siblings ]

Ladybug Man has an easygoing character and gets along very well with his siblings (except with Taïga man and Desert Man)


Taïga man

[ Brother and Tormentor ]

Ladybug Man is very affraid of his brother Taïga man, because of his brutality and aggressiveness. He is his scapegoat and victim of his wickedness, because Taïga man conciders Ladybug man as a weakling.


Desert man

[ Brother ]

Despite Desert man is a bit more moderated than his brother Taïga man, Ladybug man doesn't really like him. Desert man does not hesitate to torment him, and he is often at Taïga man's side to do so.



[ His love ]

Ladybug Man fell in love with this robot from the future the first time he saw her. He has a hard time confessing his feelings to her and is afraid of what she will really think of him.


Emerald Swallowtail

[ His adoptive son ]

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