Diamond the Bat



5 years, 2 months ago


New Description: Diamond is a logical facts over feelings type of person which has lead her to be the strategist of the group. She can be cold and empathetic due to her being isolated by her parents most of her life and was taught from a young age that emotions arent rational and will only lead to you being killed. Slowly her friends have tried to break her of this and teach her that not being an emotionless robot is okay, but she still finds herself falling back into old habits from time to time but hey it's progress. Rome wasnt built in a day after all! Her power is wind.

(Evie's) Old Description: She is a calm, cold character and prefers to keep to herself. She is willing to show a friendlier side to her friends. She is usually relaxed and shows no emotion in certain situations. Diamond is the strategic in the group, mapping out all plots with the xxxx to overthrow xxxxx’s plots.