Yenta Lemle



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Yenta Lemle       

Age: 27

Gender: trans woman

➣ Personal:


+ Empathetic + Insightful + Energetic + Confident +
 =Prideful = Amorous =
- Pushy - Invasive - Vain - Spiteful - 


 CW: mention of transphobia

Raised in Cherry Falls, Yenta was born an only child to a Brazilian and American Jewish couple. Her mother worked as a flight attendant and father was an architect, and both had relatively serious and conservative attitudes. The relationship she had with both of them was strained from the start due to the expectations they had for her. She was rarely ever treated with emotional care and if they weren’t ignoring her, they were often putting her down or being overly critical of how atypically she carried herself. 

While she lacked real happiness at home, she tried her best to fulfill herself elsewhere. She excelled in school, often getting good grades and delighting her parents with that, and even had plenty of involvement in extracurriculars. The student council, track and field, yearbook; there was rarely a facet of students life she wasn’t trying to dip her fingers into. Mid way through her Junior year though, she couldn’t ignore it anymore and came out to a few of her close friends to admit her feelings of gender dysphoria. While her friends didn’t have an initially bad reaction, they soon began to share the information with other peers and thereafter began to distance themselves from Yenta because of social pressure. Feeling frustrated and ashamed, she impulsively made the decision to drop out of school and move out of Cherry Falls.

She moved around for a bit in the months following, but eventually got into contact with one of her cousin Tova and went to go live with her. Now in a larger city, she worked waiting tables in Tova’s restaurant and seemed to enjoy that much more than being in school. Thankfully she was easily sociable and quickly started making friends, many of which had similar feelings as her in regards to their gender. It was a nice change, and with the support of her cousin and friends she began to transition. 

As a young adult she got her GED and applied to college, doing bits of modelling here and there to pay her way through. Though she ended up finding herself immersed in travel and hospitality instead, the more positive memories of her mother or at least the woman’s career sticking in her head. After graduating with her bachelors she found work for a cruise line and stuck with that as her career for several years.  Though as time went on, she couldn’t help but think more and more about her parents. While she didn’t exactly want to reconcile things by any means, only really becoming more bitter since she’d parted with them, she did want to at least find some kind of closure. She hadn’t exactly communicated well when she had left (or even why she had) as a teen and admittedly did sort of wanted to throw in their faces how successful she’d become. 

Yenta returned to Cherry Falls and found her parents were in fact………….. no longer there. So a bit of a waste, but she began to fall in love yet again with the town and decided to stay. Over the last year and a half she’s been working as a travel agent at the mall. A bit more quaint than what she had been doing before, but it was nice to take a break and revist somewhere familiar to turn the bad memories into good ones. 

Likes: Formalwear, sweets, arcade games, sci-fi movies, travelling, good music, baked potatoes, tabloids, gossiping

Dislikes: Cancelling plans, Manual Labor, seafood, metal jewelry, strong artificial perfumes

Personal Inventory: Makeup, bug spray, crowbar, wallet

Extra Information:

Zodiac sign: Gemini

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5’6”

Hobbies: Swimming, roller skating, Jogging, scrapbooking