


4 years, 11 months ago


Pearli was a magician practicing in ancient spells before she got cursed by a grand wizard for arrogant crimes (allegedly: Pearli claims to not have memory of what those crimes even were.) She is also an acquaintance with Zoxil (and a possible girlfriend to him), who was also cursed by the same grand wizard.

Pearli herself keeps herself to being a formal individual, although not one to take kindly to threats of violence against her or Zoxil. Luckily for her, her curse hadn't rid of her ability to speak, so she can still access many of her spells, although her lack of arms in this form has left her without the ability to perform some of the higher-grade spells without some assistance. She is calm, but quick to anger, but also can cool off fairly quickly if you take back what you said, and are genuine about it. Her goal is to find a way to lift the curse that plagues them both and hopefully not get re-cursed in the process. 


-Has a spellbook, which holds all of the spells she knows. Seemingly summoned at will, at no cost of mana.
-despite her new body, there is blood within the shell of the pearls. A way to kill her is to crack these open, where she'd die of blood loss.
-She can re-organize the pearls within her body, making it possible for her to squeeze into tight places.