
4 years, 9 months ago


ex-angel whose charge was eliciting communication between human mediums and angelic hierarchy. rejected this in favor of coming to earth and caring for supernaturally gifted humans she connected with instead, given the tendency of humans with these abilities to attract demons, get experimented on, die young and horribly, etc.

assembled a small family of homeless psychics and other weirdos (C&C are part of that as well as other characters i might post here) and lives guarding them in a self made trailer park in a forest, hidden on the edge of a pocket dimension. 

can put a glamor on herself to appear human, and works at a gas station. customers sometimes see a strange beast reflected in the glass doors out of the corner of their eye. anya isnt her real name, no one knows her true name but herself.

she had her other pair of wings ripped off as punishment for denying her charge, there are scars on her back