Eliza Stroud



4 years, 11 months ago


Eliza Stroud

soldier . sarcastic . patriot
(Icon art by Falco)

Name Eliza Stroud
Called Eli, Major
Age 28 years
Sexuality Pansexual
Gender Female
Race Cathar
Alignment Chaotic Good
Build Curvy
Deamnor Self-Assured


  • Weapons
  • Outdoors
  • Whiskey
  • Deisel Punk


  • "Collateral Damage"
  • Cruelty
  • Paperwork
  • Failure


Soldier: Eli enlisted in the Republic Armed Forces the moment she turned of age and has turned being a soldier into her core identity and something that inlufences everything she does. She rose the ranks to eventually be scouted by Havoc Squad of Special Forces. After most of her squad turned traitor she was made Commander of Havoc and brought together the best people she found throughout the Republic to help bring down any and all threats to the Galaxy. She's a soldier through and through and she doesn't know how to be anything else.

Commander: With the defection of the original Havoc Squad, Eli was made commander of her own Havoc. Aric Jorgan would join her immediately and slowly they began to acquire more soldiers to fill their ranks. She takes the well being and lives of those under her command very seriously and will do almost anything to ensure they are as safe as one can be during war. She will always take time to talk to them when they need someone.

Lazy Cook: Eli is used to being in the trenches and when you're in the mud getting shot at there isn't really a kitchen available. Because of this, Eli will rarely cook for herself, choosing instead to eat the same ration pack she carries in the field. Time is a luxury and she's not going to waste it cooking.

Brave: "The difference between bravery and stupidity is merely the outcome." Eli will often throw herself into impossible situations, no matter the danger, usually in an attempt to save civillian lives. Lately, however, she has started accepting riskier solo ops and throwing herself headlong into battle without rest.

Prideful: This is true of many cathar, but Eli is especially prideful. She takes pride in her job, her country, in her soldiers and in her choices (mostly). Insulting any of these is a fast track to pissing her off.

Vengeful: It takes a lot to get Eli to hold a grudge, but once she's there she will do anything to bring her version of justice. Whether that's court and jail or a blaster bolt depends on what you did.

Pet Peeve: Exploitation: Taking advantage of the weak or naive, using someone's trust in you to greedy or dangerous ends with no regard for their lives, is a surefire way to immediately get on Eli's shit list. She'll stop you, no matter what it takes, and will not accept that kind of corruption in her squad in any capacity. People are to be protected, that's our calling.

Alcoholic: After a rescue op went sour, Eli had to make a hard choice which resulted in one of her closest friends being jettisoned into space. She doesn't doubt her decision, she'd make the same one again if she had to, but listening to her friend's last words as the hull doors opened has left Eli is a troubled and uneasy state. She always has a filled flask on her when in the field and an open bottle while she's working on paperwork at her office.

Self-Sacrificing: ...

Sole Survivor: ...


Image provided by hoiist


Image provided by Daily Tactical


Image provided by Retro, But Cool Cars


Image provided by absinthundblut

HTML by lowkeywicked