


4 years, 11 months ago



canine- wolf . he old . he/him . straight

Litrik has been a retired character of mine for a while and was the very first character I've ever owned. At this point I've lost most of his older art (which wasn't very high quality, mind you) so I've been trying to collect some new pieces of him. His art takes much lower priority than art for my other characters, but I'm slowly building up his collection. Despite being a retired character without much of a personality, he means a lot to me so I've decided to keep him around. Trik's been with me for nearly as long as I can remember, pretty much since my music taste consisted entirely of Owl City. I won't be getting rid of him any time soon. He's here for the long run.

Anyways, I apologize for that rant-ish paragraph. That's all the info I'm putting about Trik because his personality is practically nonexistent.


Name Litrik
Age V Old
Gender Male
Species Wolf
Birthday Unknown
Demeanor Harsh at first, then friendly
Orientation Straight
Occupation Nostalgia

  • Old things
  • Creating friendships
  • Creating things

  • Being scolded
  • Waiting
  • Awkward Situations


  • Litrik was my first ever character.
  • He was created sometime in 2016, although the actual date is unknown
  • A lot of his original art was either linearts or art created through various 'maker-games' found online.
  • His original design was created through an afformentioned maker-game and hasn't been altered since
  • Moast of his current art was either made by me or given as gifts from friends. I hope to buy more of him in the future, though!
  • Through the years, Litrik has never had a solidified personality. I've tried many times to come up with one, but at this point he fills whatever mold I need him to

Design Notes

  • Yes, I know his design is not very appealing
  • The chances of his design being altered/updated is highly unlikely
  • Idk what else to put here
  • I apologize for making you read all this weird trivia about me
  • Have a nice night? Idk, go drink some milk. It's good for your bones. Unless you're lactosse intolerant. In that case, do not drink any milk.


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code by jiko | bg photo by Unsplash