
4 years, 11 months ago




NAME Akise
AGE 24
RACE / SPECIES Demon | half-russian
GENDER Cis male
ORIENTATION Pansexual & Aro
THEME listen

Akise first appeared to me as a monster in a nightmare when I was a child.


Body Mods
Sour food
Black clothing


Sweet food
When things don't go his way
"No" as an answer


He's had elf ears done when he turned 18;
Is able to drink a full bottle of vinegar;
Full time fuckboy & jerk.


Akise is an introvert, has a very polite and soft way of speaking, he may seem gentle, but he actually just knows how to insult people in a way that you need to pay attention to realize what he's actually doing. He's very particular about details, and doesn't like when his things are taken out of place or when things don't go the way he wants. He has a deep voice and a Russian accent, he never, ever scream, even when he's mad. Akise likes to dress in all black, usually he's wearing a turtleneck, leather pants and a derby, he's very clean and smells like cocoa. Very found of body mods, he has had elf ears and fake fangs done, wants to split his tongue when possible. He's very intelligent and has a habit of lying and gaslighting as much as he can; one of the things he hates the most is stubborn or people with a bratty attitude that go against what he says. In appearance matter; he's 230cm tall, has 7 eyes (1 on his right side and six on his left side), his hair is white (usually grown to shoulder length, but he changes his hair cut once in a while), his skin is very pale and kinda grey, he doesn't blush, has 3 piercings and a cross earring on his left ear. He's very kinky and is almost always making things sexual, his main kinks are cnc, kinfe, blood and gun play, he also enjoys restraining others.


Six eyes on his left side;
The five additional eyes should always be facing one exact direction;
Pay attention to his body mods and piercings;
His hair is usually shoulder length and he doesn't tie it.


General development - tw abuse

I first met Akise in 2014, after have gone through sexual abuse, I was 12 years old and started having nightmares with him. In my first dream he has been just a big melting shadowed, kinda like "no face" from Spirited away, but way more incomprehensible. In my next dream, Akise already looked more human, I couldn't see a face in his figure yet, and just like the first time, he wouldn't approach me. Even though he was a very big and mysterious I didn't really feel scared, only watched. From 2014 to 2016 I managed to figure facial features for him, he now had hair, textured clothing, smell and a voice. During this period, Akise became someone very unpleasant to be around, after my fifth dream with him, he started to show up telling me bad things, such as "You'll never be enough", "Your worth is determined by your sexual value", "You shouldn't have a will of your own", "You must look a certain way to be accepted", "Your looks determine your value" and much more. In 2015 my abuser left the school I was in and I started dreaming that Akise was doing the same and worst things to me, and his mean actions wouldn't be only verbal anymore, I would be forced to have unconsented intercourse and most of the times he would beat me up and make me hurt myself. In 2016 I came out as transgender and most of my internal struggles were sorted out; when this happened, Akise stopped talking about my looks, also around this time I started to have dreams where intercourse was consented - I'm not sure if I ever consented, or if I stopped fighting back - But still very violent and I would end up hurt extremely tired, when I woke up, I would always have a bad feeling deep inside my throat and feel uneasy with my body. From 2017 until now my relationship with Akise has become better, we don't have too much sexual contact anymore, he's not so mean as before, just very unsettling and weird.