


4 years, 10 months ago


Vaughan is a ribadym, a closed species made by Dong.

On his last last days of being human he stayed at a resort close to the beach and was swept up by the waves when pushing a child out of the water.

When gaining consciousness and control of his body he found himself under a great eastern dragon. The dragon offered his protection and guidance to Vaughan in return of the ribadym offering his illusionary magic to help aid his cause. The two are almost an inseparable pair who reside in an underwater cave by the coast, spending their days scaring humans away from the deeper waters incase of another drowning incident.

Vaughan is a very relaxed and reserved individual, usually preferring the company of a book or his protector than humans. Hearing stories of how ribadyms can grow corrupted and some even eating human souls from the dragon makes him very on edge and anxious towards other ribadyms despite not meeting many. In case of a chance encounter with another ribadym without the dragon being around he will either manifest an illusion of the dragon if not using illusionary magic to make himself appear as the dragon.

He absolutely adores stories and antiques. His favorite past time is making up tall tales about the things he finds washed away on the shore. Easily could be called a hoarder with the antiques he has collected, more of a hoarder than the very dragon he stays with.

By heart, he is very much a beta. Doing much better following someone's advice than being the one giving advice.