


4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




Approx. 750 - 1000 yrs






Zu is the wyrm of the desert, master of winds and sand. His lair is located inside of a mesa that lies at the center of the desert, which doubles as the "hub" from which he controls the winds throughout the entire desert. The mountain has hundreds of interconnected tunnels carved into it by the wind, each filled with deadly, razor sharp spikes. Most don't dare to enter, but to Zu, these tunnels are home. He flies through them daily, using both his control over the winds and his own raw skills to fly around without ever getting so much as a scratch. Those who've observed him from afar have described his flight patterns as intricate dances.

Zu is the youngest of the demigods, and the youngest to have become one too, having died and transformed before his twelfth birthday. He's arrogant, self-absorbed, and loves nothing more than to show off his flying skills. He is not one to back down from a challenge, and will often challenge any visitors capable of flying to a flight through the tunnels. At first he will guide them through with the wind in order to assess the person's flying skills, forcing out those he deems unworthy. The ones he thinks stand a chance get to race him, though it's more of a race to keep up with him rather than beat him. Most meet a grisly end at the hand of the spikes, but those few who manage to keep up with him might earn themselves a powerful gift.

Aside from directing winds, Zu is also capable of conjuring spikes out of any sandy or soft stone substrate. He uses these powers to keep the desert's winds flowing and secure his home, but most of the time, he prefers to let the wind lead him instead of the other way around. Like the other demigods, he also has an animal form to disguise himself as. His is a red-tailed hawk.