Annette Beruzu




Gender: Female

Age: ???

Hair color: Blonde

Eye color: Orange

Tail Color: Reddish Orange

Genie Type: Modern

Sexual Preference: ???

Loves: Bright Sunny days, Spicy salsa

Hates: ???

    Annette was born in Egypt into a rich family, during the era where the Naga's began to grow restless of their treatment. In her early years, her family seemed quite prospirous with their small shops in various towns. But then the Nagas "migrated" out of Egypt to escaped decades of slavery. Her family was the few effected by this, forcing them to downsize, making less, and eventually having to sell most of their fortune. Her life was getting harder as she was getting older, making her moy cynical and wanting to go back to her life of luxury. One day, her brother gave her a drink out of something that would of often been in her old home. She kindly accepted and drank out of it, only for her to become a genie, much to her brother's horror. But his and her family tears soon faded away when they started using her to grant wishes again, though becoming more greedy as a result of some of these wishes. After that, during the fall of the Egyptain Empire, she was lost in piles of treasure, treating her vessel more live a vase or precious valuable. She would soon be adrift in a pile of precious things, eventually set as a meuseum display in the 1900s, only able to look about the crowd of people with a foggy gaze.