Bucket's Comments

Anyone in my TH interest you for them?

Off limits?

Anyone tagged as Forever homed or retired are off limits

Off limits?

Hello! I saw that in the freebie bin that all ocs were up for grabs so I guess this is my application. Please forgive me if this is not correct and if it is incorrect, I would appreciate it if you explain what I can apply to adopt.
Also, may I apply for another character? I don't want to sound selfish but I love two of your characters. Of course, I'm not expecting you to give both if you give me one at all, but I just figured I ask.

This character is super cute! I love the pastel colour scheme and the shades are actually really pretty. There are some really good pieces of art and I would love to write a personality for them. Based on the art, I would say that they're a calm, friendly and often bashful character. They can get a bit awkward while talking to others but always try to be polite. Friends are no problem as they are really good at making them. I would love to write stories with them involved since their design is so cool and unique

Ah! He's sadly one of my main sonas! It took you to all folders I think

ah sorry! What can I look in? (not trying to selfish here but I'd love to see the characters that are I can apply for since from the designs I've seen, you have really nice characters)


(this folder titled other aswell as other subfolders)

Ah alright! May I apply for https://toyhou.se/753609.z- then?
Their design is super cool and I love the colours. They are unique with the way they have 4 eyes and the cool markings. Honestly, they look pretty badass-

If you'd like me to leave this on the character, I can do that as well ^^

Ah alright! May I apply for https://toyhou.se/753609.z- then?
Their design is super cool and I love the colours. They are unique with the way they have 4 eyes and the cool markings. Honestly, they look pretty badass-

If you'd like me to leave this on the character, I can do that as well ^^