
Gender: Female

Age: 18

Hair color: Red

Eye color: Green

Tail Color: Tan

Sexual Preference: Lesbian

Loves: Exercising, showing off, using her rattle with the music

Hates: Being Embarrassed, forced to dance without warning

    Rin is one of the many people that followed the Goddess Loukya to the land where they would finally be free. Though, about 3/4s of the way there, she was one of the few to start complaining about the journey though not leaving the group, preferring to not go back to a life of slavery. When they found the perfect place to settle the new kingdom/oasis, Rin was one of the first to help out with reconstructing. However, she was often injured during work, not from any work-related accident, but from the amount of nosebleeds she got, though she never says why. 

    When it was all said and done, she became a workout instructor and occasionally a belly dancer, but only at the Goddess's request. Rin tends to act in disgust when she sees someone she has affections for, not wanting to show her true feelings to her. She's often seen in the workout rooms, fixing, repairing and making new weights while also experimenting with workout techniques to benefit nagas.