Mabel Naranja Bee



4 years, 11 months ago


Mabel Naranja Bee



Gender Female
Age 4
Height 3'1" ft
Sexuality Heterosexual
Species Nunuke
World Xygoroth
Occupation Pre-K Student

"Ew, I think apple sauce is gross!"


Mabel is a Talker Nunuke, a special type of Nunuke that has the ability to comfort a dying Nunuke soul. She’s basically like a grim reaper for the Nunukes species, although she doesn’t really utilize her abilities all too often since she's literally just a child. She might be able to use it more when she's older.

She also has three adoptive moms that all love her very much!


Mabel loves stirring up trouble! She hates being bored and demands attention a lot, even if it's negative sometimes. That doesn't mean she likes getting yelled at though. If you yell at her too harshly, she'll definitely throw a whiny tantrum and cry back even harder! She doesn't like being told that she's in the wrong.

She can also be a bit mean and insensitive at times, going so far as to pinch other kids if they even dare to lay their grubby hands all over her toys. She has a problem with sharing and is quite selfish and greedy.

Despite all of this, Mabel is trying to be less aggressive nowadays since she doesn't get any desserts whenever she does act out. Her punishment for not being nice is having no ice cream or cookies after dinner, so she's trying to learn better. She just wants to have fun, but needs to know that she can still have fun while having respect for others too.


● Like all Nunukes, Mabel was born with a stinger tail that can be used for self defense.

● The pearls on Mabel’s body can change color depending on her mood. This is another special trait that only Talkers possess.


Beatrice Beatrice is Mabel's strictest mommy, but she also looks after Mabel the most since she's got more time in her hands. Even though she gets in the way of her chaotic plans a lot, Mabel still loves her lots.

Velma Velma is Mabel's second mommy. Mabel loves being able to frolick in her botanic garden whenever she gets to accompany her at work. Velma is more lenient and likes to spoil her. She loves her lots!

Savannah Savannah is Mabel's third mommy. Mabel doesn't really understand her job all that well and thinks that she should be at home more often. She likes hearing Savannah read her bedtime stories in that posh voice of hers! She loves her lots and gets kinda clingy with her whenever she has to leave for work.

Galene Galene is her auntie. Mabel likes to play with her and considers Galene her favorite (and only) aunt figure. She loves to spend time and play with her outdoors. Sometimes she’ll even ride Galene (with her tentacles) like a boat out in the sea! It’s fun!


There's not much to Mabel's story since she's still growing up.

All Mabel understands is what she was adopted and she has three mommies, which is more than what most people have. So that's good enough for her!


● Out of all three of her mommies, Beatrice takes care of her a little more, simply because she has more time compared to Velma and Savannah.

● Although she was slightly sad to know that she didn't have a daddy compared to most of her peers, she likes that she has more mommies than everyone else in her class, so she wasn't sad about that fact for long.

● Her ghost companion is named Pumpkin. She doesn't really have much of a personality and just likes to follow Mabel around. As Mabel gets older, Pumpkin will grow to develop more of a personality, but for now she doesn't really do much besides accompany her owner everywhere.

profile html by Hukiolukio