Aether Cosmoe



5 years, 2 months ago


Chiara Moteku
"Lets make a deal."

Ambitious, crafty, and not afraid to get her hands dirty, this blueblood is a valuable ally. If you can get past her games, tricks, and teases, she will be a friend for life. On the other hand, make an enemy of her and be prepared to never let your guard down. Chiara does not forgive easily… at lease not until she has tasted sweet revenge

Head of Moteku Corporations, Chiara spends her time running her company. The company started out as a Dance Battle recruitment agency, where talent-less trolls were taken in and turned into stars, and has since flourished into a corporation that keeps itself as busy as its owner. From information protection, to goods transportation, to illegal drug trades, Moteku Corporations has a habit of popping up far more often than you would expect.

Chiara has resources and she is interested in investing in you. Have a debt that needs payed? Interest free loans, right here. Interested in getting that next promotion and need some help? There are strings and she can get them pulled. If you need a partner in life, this blueblood is willing to offer her services to get you what you want. Itll only cost a small something, really.

The blueblood is always on the lookout for new talent. Any troll that wants to prove themselves, or feels they want to work their way up, is good in her book. If she spots someone of interest she will seek them out and offer them a job. Its a lucky thing to have caught this blueblood’s eye.

 Slimy  Flaw 
Dipter is a friendly guy, but his friendliness is often described as “slimy”. You cant quite trust Dipter, as there is always something going on behind his friendly words. The redblood tries to hide it with a nice smile or some sweet words, but the slime always seems to ooze out eventually.
 Unorthodox  Flaw 
Dipter doesn’t follow what society says he should do. Be that with his appearance, his living situation, or his choice in career, Dipter does not like to follow what is expected of him. Consequently he alienates himself from others easily, frowning on their “normal” ways of life, even being smug about his obviously better approach to life.
 Uneducated  Flaw 
Dipter doesn’t really know the technicalities of things. He will BS his way though acting smart, but at the end of the day he really does not know much about the finer points of any topic. Of course the redblood can read and write, but thats as far as he has bothered to go concerning higher education. Fancy knowledge doesn’t get you anywhere when your on the streets, so why bother?
 Efficient  Strength 
Dipter doesn’t have much, but what he does have he uses to its full capacity. Every scrap of knowledge, each tool he acquires, any wealth he may have procured, he stretches it as far as it will go. This includes work and plans. When hes got his eye on something he will find the most straightforward and efficient path and go at it from there.
 Street Smarts  Strength 
Dipter may not have a fancy education, or know all the facts to bluh bluh bluh who cares whatever. What he does have is the know-how to make it. Hes got situational awareness. Dipter is good at assessing the environment he is in, and what the available angels are. Being on the street requires that he learn to trust his own judgment about people and what matters.
 Persistent  Strength 
You cant get rid of Dipter, he just keeps coming back and back. When the redblood sees something he wants he will try again and again to get it. Sure, he will change his methods, but overall he does not give up. He has a secret tactic when it comes to getting what he wants from other trolls; be so persistently annoying that they are eventually worn down and give in to what he wants.
Civisect; Dipter is out to scam, and so a big city is the perfect place to find some unsuspecting targets. Rent is hard to make and he would rather keep his beetles to himself, so his go-to method of finding shelter is squatting or couch bumming.
Dipter’s lusi is essentially a large, fat fly. Fairly simple minded, Fly, as Dipter unoriginally calls the lusi, focuses on survival when teaching. The lusi leads by example. As in hes still alive. Although they talk very little, the two have quite a bit of affection for eachother, expressed in their own odd little ways. Fly rarely critiques or scolds Dipter, as the redblood troll has done what Fly cares most about; survived.
Dipter has compound eyes. Like a fly. Its kinda gross but it lets him see almost 360 degrees. He keeps goggles on to avoid weird looks. And so no one can tell hes looking at them.





