


8 years, 6 days ago

Basic Info





"This whole damn world can fall apart"

Basics: Azure is a library keeper. She loves learning above all else, and nothing excites her more than the chance to teach or share a book she loves with someone. She was raised in the medical field by her parents but left after a year of training in her kingdom's medical school, choosing her own calling over pleasing her parents. This decision has worked out well for her as she has found a job she adores, and is very happy in life.

Obtained from designer for $7

No rules given

Drawing notes: Design is symmetrival

"You'll be okay, follow your heart"

【 Name 】 Azure 【 Gender 】 Female
【 Age 】 26 【 D.o.B. 】 May 8th
【 Alignment 】 Neutral Good 【 Race 】 Snow Leopard
【 Role 】 Library Keeper 【 Theme 】 You Get What You Give

【 Charisma 】
【 Kindness 】
【 Confidence 】
【 Integrity 】
【 Intelligence 】
【 Judgement 】
【 Maturity 】
【 Humor 】

Azure is a rather small snow leopard. She is not stunted in stature but generally small in build. She is not the most athletic in appearance though she is lithe and moves quietly with each step. Azure has very soft fur and a generally nice, well-groomed appearance. She clearly puts some effort into keeping her fur nice, and it tends to show; she is always well-groomed and clean. She is especially expressive. Dots on her eyebrows, ears, and under her eyes accentuate her expressions, making her already exaggerated emotions even more clear. Her tail is long and fluffy, and always waving in excitement. She has a kindly appearance, with a positive expression on her face and ears pricked forward in interest.


Azure lives in a medieval city. Her kingdom is fairly well-off, giving her and others the chance to focus on other topics than survival. As such, it is a very intellectual kingdom over all, and there has been a movement to promote learning within the kingdom. As such, facilities such as libraries and universities have been established and grown.


Azure is a library keeper. Her job is, for the most part, to watch over the library and receive new books should the castle obtain any for the library, but she herself loves to read and write, and as such is able to serve as much as a librarian as a keeper of books. She reads everything she can and knows all the books and scrolls in the library, and is able to assist visitors in finding what they need. On top of that, she uses her time to write as well, sharing poetry and writings with the world and sometimes sneaking her writings into the library herself.

Azure is an eternally curious soul. She is someone who always wants to learn. Something new, more about something old, anything-- she absolutely loves the experience of learning something new. She constantly has questions, and will listen for hours to someone talking about something they love. To her, there's no greater experience than taking the time to master some new material or sit down with a new book. The corollary to this is that she absolute loves to talk about what she has learned. Azure is a natural teacher in this regard. She loves to learn and, as such, loves nothing more than to make you love it too. She can talk endlessly about cool facts, and gets extremely passionate when describing something to someone, so happy for the chance to share her knowledge. It isn't that she is looking down on someone she is teaching or that she wants to be the smartest person in the room, simply that she things it's all so exciting, and others deserve to share in the excitement as well. That being said, Azure is someone who struggles to find herself. She is highly concerned with outside matters that she sometimes forgets to take a minute for herself every once in a while. She tends to internalize her problems, blaming herself and not talking about them much, and instead setting them aside for another time. However, the other time never comes, and she simply sets aside something until she's forgotten about it. This is perhaps not the healthiest coping mechanism, and has led to some anxiety. She struggles to deal with confrontation with others or any interaction that could go south, and as such avoids it entirely. She struggles to speak up, and never really learned to ask for help. She values her own self-sufficiency above all else, and feels that she must take care of herself and not ever be a burden on others. Azure can be highly emotional, no matter how much she tries to set aside her own problems. She can move between highs and lows very quickly, swinging from one extreme to another quickly. Most see her as bouncing back quickly, but in reality she can struggle quite a bit. She is both very passionate, happy, and excitable; and, at times, glum, and uncertain. That being said, she always forced herself to at least externally take the optimistic viewpoint. She is very distractible and her low moods can be easily lessened by someone willing to distract her. Azure craves companionship. She absolutely loves to spend her time around others, bouncing conversation off of them and just generally enjoying the feeling of having company. She'll do a lot to have someone to hang out with, though she does not always realize when someone does not wish to hang with her. She'll spend extra time talking with shopkeepers while running errands or talk with others in taverns with her, whether or not they really want to talk at the moment. She can never really tell, and just keeps talking, excited about something or another. Azure is very intelligent. Though she doesn't always come off that way due to her emotionality, she is overall very smart in a variety of subjects. She learns new information easily and can apply it without external guidance. She can problem solve well, often thinking of solutions no one else. She sometimes has trouble motivating herself to get started on a task, but once she does, she is absolute determined to finish it. She never tires of problem solving either, and will try anything until she finds what works.

Azure never knew a world in which great opportunities were not right in front of her. She was born into a wealthy kingdom, at peace with all neighbors during her entire life. The kingdom was known for great trading with other kingdoms and having fertile soils, meaning that there was always food and time available for members of the kingdom to pursue a life other than that of a farmer. Azure herself was born to two doctors; both of her parents being successful in medical practice and being well-respected in the small city in which they grew up in. In the kingdom, there was a general expectation that a child would follow in his or her parent's footsteps, training with them and going into the same profession, and the same was expected of Azure. In her youth, Azure had no problem with this. She believed from a young age that she had no greater calling than the practice of medicine. She worked under her parents often, accompanying one of them through medical calls and acting as an assistant, even learning some basic procedures through them. She loved to read her parents' medical texts until she had memorized them and worn the pages thin. When playing with her friends, she acted as the doctor, helping them should they fall and scrap their foot, or anything simple like that. It was something she was certain she was passionate about, and something she aspired to. Her love of medical science was something that she felt defined her, and she didn't even stop to consider any other future for herself. However, Azure found that her childish love of the profession turned suddenly when she enlisted in the kingdom's medical school. It wasn't that she couldn't do it-- if anything, she excelled, being both intelligent and creative enough to make her way through the program with flying colors should she have wanted to. However, once she was actually doing medicine through the training program, she found that it was much different than she had thought, and the practice she had loved more than anything growing up was lackluster to her now. She found herself dreading lessons and hating to wake up to meet with her mentor. It simply wasn't something she actually liked. For one year of a multi-year training program, she kept her mouth shut and simply endured it, certain that it was just the learning style that she hated, and that she would enjoy the profession more when she was on her own. However, after a year, she couldn't stand it any more. She needed more out of her life than this. If she didn't enjoy it, it wasn't for her; she could not make herself do it anymore. So, she dropped out of the kingdom's medical school. At first, this created a rift between Azure and her parents. Her parents had always seen her in their footsteps and could not wait to invite her to join their practice, to work alongside her and pass on to her everything they had learned over the years. To find that she had left the training entirely was shocking to them and, at first, hurtful. They didn't understand, and felt that she had left because she wasn't trying hard enough. If she only worked harder, they thought, she would love it. They felt that she lacked tenacity. For a time, this made any conversation with her parents difficult, as Azure struggled to explain the root of the problem to them. However, they eventually came to understand that she wasn't happy there, and to set aside their own aspirations in favor of their daughter's happiness. So, they instead supported her as she looked for a next step in life. Needing a job, Azure applied to be the library keeper; a position in which she would watch over the city's library and accept new texts for the library sent out by the castle. It was merely supposed to be akin to a guard job, to make sure all was okay and keep track of who had borrowed books, as well as unlocking the door for patrons. However, Azure found her true passion there. She read everything. Her love for books; for stories and knowledge in all disciplines, was discovered when she started reading some of the texts out of curiosity. She discovered how much she simply loved learning through books, and the whole experience of reading. She learned how best to help out visitors to the library, helping them locate texts or suggesting which ones might be best for them. This, she believes, is her true passion, as there is nothing she loves more than sharing a book she loves.
