Angelica Whiterose



9 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


15 (appears)




"What in the unholy world?"


Prideful, ladylike, charismatic, pragmatic, clever, opportunist, posh, merciless, cold, unfazed, noble




Clothes, tailoring, seeing a project to the end, anything deemed ladylike, being the trendsetter, being admired, pink, sweets, rose tea, social season, all things beautiful, occasional fencing


Laziness, procrastination, lack of common sense, filth/dirt, getting her hands dirty, fashion disasters, orange, spicy food, compromise, creepy old men, Willis' dumb face, people who can't do anything without relying on someone


As someone who refuses to settle for 'anything less', Angelica found herself tired of hearing stories about the excitement on Earth. She knew there was a better place, somewhere much more interesting, so she took her twin brother and fled from the clouds. Angelica was always the brighter of the two siblings- hardworking, exceptionally skilled, and always setting high standards for herself. However, she had (and still has) a soft spot in her steel heart for Angelico. While they were together, she was quick to defend her twin. She learned to become stronger for his safety and to make up for whatever he lacked. Then, there came a time when Angelica realised that if she kept this up, Angelico would truly become incapable of fending for himself. So she steeled her heart and vanished silently one fateful night, believing this was the best thing she could do for her dear brother. 

They had been living in a quiet meadow in France at the time, so she decided to make Paris her new home while creating a new for herself in the fashion world. It wasn't too long until many knew of the brand "C'est Angelique" for young ladies' apparel. Angelica enjoyed creating beautiful things that made the women and girls who wore them beautiful. Her designs were unique, creative, and were best known for the intricate details. Her dresses were especially infamous for having hemlines that stopped at the calf at least, some even below the knee, while continuing to follow precisely all the rules of the current fashion trends and still being unarguably captivating. They were not quite made for young girls or young women, but rather, for living dolls to wear. These articles were almost a mockery in the face of couture and at the same time a celebration of it. This was the genius of C'est Angelique, and Angelica had never been more proud of anything until seeing the fruits of her creation.

Eventually, she left Paris for new scenery. Fate took her to London, England, where she was able to purchase an unused shop and renovate it. It was quite modestly sized, but it was no challenge for Angelica- in fact, she quite liked the coziness of it. She decided to call it 'Heavenly Stitches', a place to host her fashion line as well as offering tailoring services. She never imagined to settle here for long, but that changed when she met Willis. Angelica's first impression of him was that of an overconfident idiot, and it has not changed aside from her growing annoyance with his slothful nature. Although she does appreciate his presence- something she will never admit- as it does bring some excitement into what would otherwise be an ordinary life. Willis' knack for sticking his nose into everything other than his own business has gotten the duo into all sorts of situations. Naturally, they became sort of a team, Angelica not minding Willis entering her living quarters and spending nights as long as he cooked for her and ran errands. It is truly a strange arrangement, an angel and demon peacefully coexisting, but the fact remains that it continues to thrive undisturbed.