June 'SunRise' Clarsy



Gender: Female

Age: 24

Birthday: July 12th

Hair color: Orange

Eye color: Orange

Sexual Preference: Lesbian

Loves: Run, Testing her own abilities

Hates: Crowds of drunk people, Slippery surfaces

    An energetic knife wielder, June is a rogue that wields a knife-wand hybrid. She was borm more in a poor area of a city, she learned to cope with it and to get away from such a life through running and a bit of parkouring. When she made it out of that section of the city, she started taking jobs related to her abilities, though she mainly prefers to take jobs related to theivery and later on demon hunting. During one of her missions, she was exploring a warehouse when she found out it was about to blow, she made it out just in time, and leaped from the roof at the same time the sun began to rose and the warehouse was in a great ball of fire. Ever since that day, she has been given the nickname of 'SunRise'

    On missions, she's happy and adventurous, often feeling like she's flying in the sky. Outside of missions, she can be calm and a bit of a party goer.