Lance 'Captain'



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Lance (Everyone calls them Captain though)

Gender: Non-binary

Pronouns: They/him

Not on either side - jet

Height: 27'

Body style: Lanky boi

Voice: deciding between: and

Personality: Lance is a bit showoff-ish, he’s loud and likes to make his presence known. He has a habit of calling all human’s no matter their height “tiny human” he tends to pat the heads of anyone smaller than him, autobot, decepticon, human, doesn’t matter! They get the head pat. They tend to pose dramatically and make dramatic entrances all the time. When they get excited they will do a spin or two before stopping in a dramatic pose. They have a visor they put on before transforming. Lance likes being up as high as possible and will spend most of his time in jet form roaming the skies. He tends to be over-excited and giddy, almost always seeming to be in a good mood. He almost constantly has a big smile on his face, only dropping when someone angers him. Their voice is loud, almost always sounding like they're screaming, due to their voice box being injured awhile back.