


4 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Value (On initial purchase)

25 GB


Project NEON - Newly Engineered OrgaNism

Subject: 038
Logged Interactions:
- Shows no signs of enjoying vegetation. Remains mainly carnivorous. 2/30/XXXX
- Fairly tame, only attacks when aggravated or threatened. 3/02/XXXX
- Doesn't enjoy being left alone for extended periods of time, a social creature. 5/17/XXXX
- Do not engage while 038 is displaying inverted colors; black is neutral, magenta is hostile. Magenta excretes a toxin that paralyzes victims. Warden has been injured and lays unconscious. 06/23/XXXX
- Subject 038 recognizes the Warden; does not seem comfortable any time he is within reach. Continuously switches between Magenta phase and Black phase while he is around. 7/05/XXXX
- Subject 038 has attacked the Warden yet again. This time seems to be an accident, but we're losing patience with all these set backs. Warden remains unconscious.. 7/29/XXXX
- Warden has returned, Subject 038 refuses to eat anything he gives them, and never changes from Magenta phase. Warden has given the job to one of his students, and 038 seems much calmer. 8/15/XXXX