Tafida Toffie



4 years, 11 months ago


Name: Tafida Toffie

Blood colour: #6147C9

Gender: Female



Alternia is great right now, i mean it is always great, but it was better... In the past, before the great glub, there were heroes, there were leaders who rose up to the ocassion, there were truly amazing trolls.

Tafida spent much of her earlier years being read the history books of alternia's great library, and the magical times of the past, where the troll race was a force to be reconed with, a mighty force, a people that struck fear in hearts of all others.

Tafida is aware of the power inherent in timeless rules and laws; namely, the hemospectrum and the structure that has built up around it. She loves the hemospectrum, and the fact that it has remained in power for so long only concretes her respect for it. Thats not to say tho, that it could not use improvements. Just because she is a purpleblood does not mean that she thinks lowbloods have a bad place in the class system, or that they are necessarily inferior, she just knows they have a different role than hers, and she respects that. Its just luck that they are in a role of helping her, waiting on her, or generally submitting to her whims. Shes a purpleblood, her thinkpan was made of good ideas that cant help but be amazing. In fact, tho her ideas are superior of course, she welcomes input from others, no matter what hue. Sure, she might spin them into the ground just a little, but its just how ideas from lower class citizens seem to go. Its an example really, as to why she is a purpleblood, and you are not.

Tafida intends to build on tradition and culture in order to blaze a new trail, innovate and generally advance herself and those close to her. For her, tradition is a living entity. It lives in troll kind and in their work. Tafida believes that understanding history, ritual and cultural tradition frees one to make choices, to keep what is desirable and discard what is not. Ignorance dooms one to repeat mistakes.

Tafida is willing to stretch to get what she wants, and to make things work. Its really her ability to roll with the punches, change herself to match a circumstance, and her skill in wrapping it all up in a sweet package that make her who she is. Even if a project was chaos from the get go, she believes in the ability and necessity of making it look like it was easy as pie. She often challenges herself, stretching her abilities, so that she will be able to work with problems in the future. Its through knowledge and perseverance that a troll is able snap back from failures and downfalls. This flexibility is a key trait to Tafida. The ability to keep things sweet and looking good while also being able to roll with the punches, get stretched, and snap back better than before.

Tafida would be hard pressed to admit that she finds anyone an equal, but when she does recognize an equal, they become a source for any new information hitherto unknown to her, and will spare no trouble or expense to acquire such knowledge. That knowledge to her is power is clearly evidenced in Tafida's attitude and lifestyle. She respects those with power, and those that seek out knowledge, often disregarding those she finds less ambitious or motivated. She is not above holding her own knowledge above others, making herself feel more important and powerful. She thrives on feeling powerful, and often seeks out the less intelligent trolls to feed on this feeling.

Tafida is all about plans, visions, and building up on what she has. Although she lives to improve on what she already has, she often has little rhyme or reason for what she does. The purpleblood can be quite eccentric when it comes to what she does decide to work on. One minute she feels the need to "fix" someone's life and their bad habits, the next she wants to change the entire city square, buying up all the land and demolishing it to build something she deems better. She believes that all her decisions will indeed improve things, no matter what problems they may cause for others in the process.

Tafida's visions mostly relate to building. Building up the entire troll empire through teaching and classroom environments, literally building new hives in unique and innovative new ways for those less structurally inclined, expanding cities, the general population's knowledge, and the troll race as a hole. For now she likes to focus on architecture, construction, and city planning. Its something she can affect with her hands, something she can actively see change, and besides, being a landlord gives her a power she secretly relishes. Her dream is to someday design and build a summer home for the Empress herself. As a child she generally spends her time making amazing tree houses, club houses, and renovating her own hive. She has had to make do with interior design for the moment, but as soon as she is capable, the purpleblood intends to buy up the entire city block and re-make it all!

Tafida yearns to start big, and change the world around her through construction as soon as possible! Luckily, she tries to keep her own limitations in mind, but thinking big and brilliant is so much more fun! She has toned it down some from her wiggler fantasies, working on interior design, and miniature replicas of a Taffida-designed New Hemisect, Civisect, and her secret hope of getting to design the Empress's summer hive. She loves spending her time playing with materials and finding out their limitations and strengths, so she may better construct life size things in the future. Tafida has high respect for those who delve into the creative side of productive endeavors. Fashion, architecture, culinary arts, all these are jobs she has respect and interest in. Its the frivolous things, like painting, music, and dance that have no real place in bettering society that she cant stand.

When things to end up coming to conflict, which happens more than it really should, Tafida is of the mindset that compromising and finding a solution to keep everyone happy is the best route. Sadly, those that tend of have conflicts with Tafida tend to have the wrong mindset, and tho she will compromise, she will also do everything in her power to sabotage said compromise. When things fail its really no wonder, i mean, she had to lessen her brilliant plan to make someone else happy, and now look at what they've done, they've ruined it. Tafida is all about making compromises, its just that she might also be all about sabotaging those compromised ideas, and then rubbing your face in it.

Tafida was given her name and her symbol by her lusus of course, and she often wonders why exactly she got the name she has. Tafida asked Dogendly, and, in as sagely a way a dog can, the lusus replied that he found Tafida just such a cute wiggler he could not help it! Tafida rolls her eyes at this, but did take the strengths of her name into consideration. When things go south, Tafida will often tell herself to "Snap back like taffy, and keep it sweet like toffee!" It doesn't really mean anything, but she likes to think having a catch phrase makes her special.


Flexible: ready and able to change so as to adapt to different circumstances
Tafida can roll with the punches like no other. She is quick on her feet and always has a new idea or plan, ready in case the old one goes down. She believes that this is a necessity in life, and prides herself on her quick thinking and problem solving skills.

Spirited: full of energy, enthusiasm, and determination.
Tafida is quite enthusiastic about the things that grab her plumpbiscuit. Once prompted she can go on and on and on about whatever topic is filling her thinkpan, and she is not likely to give up her interest anytime soon. When Tafida finds a topic her plumpbiscuit beats for, itll beat for that for a long time.

Visionary:thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom
Tafida takes great pride in her ideas and visions. Not just because they came from her brilliant thinkpan, but because she takes the time to think out every little thing, every little detail. She takes what she learns in life and applies it, each new vision being built up higher than her last ones.


Imperious:assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering.
Any idea Tafida has is a good one (i mean she came up with it for goodness sake!) the purpleblood will do everything in her power to make that idea a reality. Her ideas are nothing if not top notch, and she becomes bossy and domineering in order to make that idea a real thing.

Unrealistic:inappropriate to reality or fact
Tafida has plans, big plans! Plans that dont always fit to the physics or limitations of her world. She was taught to dream big, and dream big is what she does, often without thinking about what she is actually capable of.

Ineffectual lacking the ability or qualities to cope with a role or situation.
Tafida can deal with disappointment, yes. She can roll with the punches just fine, but what she has trouble doing is delegating work to others. Everything would be easier if she could do it herself, and although she thinks of herself as a leader, and someone others should fallow, she is severely lacking in leadership skills.




Four Fronds

Four Fronds is home to both peace and quiet, and class and luxury, the later of which Tafida takes full advantage of. With such a full plate as Tafida's, she needs all the relaxation in the world to come home to after a long day of bossing trolls around, and dealing with mistakes.



Tafida's lusus is an obedient, trustworthy animal that sicks by its child's side. The dog-like animal is fairly silent, only really talking when it is Tafida and them alone. They believe they have taught Tafida plenty, and are ready to let her take the wheel and drive. The animal believes in letting Tafida learn through mistakes and develop in her own way. They might step in if Tafida gets into something more than she can handle, or is throwing some sort of tantrum, but generally the dog like creature lets Tafida run her own show.

They might seem negligent at times, but its mainly because Tafida's ideas, plans and visions tent to be bigger than the dog lusus can wrap its mind around. They taught their child what they could, and now tend to simply look on in wonder as their child does things they never could have imagined. You could call the lusus slow, but Tafida better not be within earshot, as she will defend the somewhat less intelligent animal to no end.