
4 years, 10 months ago



A species of hot birds parasitic beings that are born as fraternal twins to regular humans. Sometimes they eat their 'sibling' in the womb, but usually they just get born together. Till the age of fifteen Jeguze look like normal humans(and keep looking like normal humans to human eyes for the rest of their lives). Jeguze as kids have strong desire to compete and dominate over their fraternal twin, sometimes that comes out as... trying to kill them in a childish way. It seldom works out, though, as Jeguze are no different from other kids. 

At the age of fifteen Jeguzes develop the ability to see astral beings and start growing feathers under their arms, their hair also starts to change color and they grow small wings on top of their human ears. Due to this change, they often seek out information till they learn who they are.

As they grow older Jeguze start to get really attracted to married women, mostly wives of rich and influential men. If they manage to charm them into cheating, then at the time when the said wife is pregnant with an actual child of her husband a twin will appear.

Jeguze can fly, but to do so they need to have pretty toned bodies, so pretty much all Jeguze are very hot and toned

While Jeguze prefer to wear clothes that have open space under arms, they can lessen the presence of their feathers to a faint whiff of air and do anything a normal human can and wear regular clothes as well. *v*// (although those would always feel a bit stuffy and tight)

All Jeguze tend to own at least a single set of clothes woven by celestial cranes, although they themselves mostly don't know of its origin. After they take their first flight, a set of clothes just appear by their bedside one morning, when wearing this set, the jeguze can lessen their own presence to a point where normal humans are incapable of spotting them, unless the Jeguze goes out of their way to touch the said human to attract their attention.