Meng Yao



7 years, 10 months ago



Meng Yao
Rabbit Zodiac
Appears 28

Guardian Spirit
Celestial Realm

[Personality] warm-carefree-sociable

Optimistic and much more outgoing than his girlfriend, Fei Yen, he is difficult to put into a bad mood. Because he always appears to be in a good mood, people tend to believe he is dense but the truth of the matter is that he is actually very astute and picks up on little things that others wouldn't notice. He just doesn't bring up such things because he doesn't like prying into other people's business. He's also a bit headstrong, doing things as he pleases at the spur of the moment without thinking about the consequences too much. 

His looks give him an air of mysteriousness but his true personality is far from that and when others learn of this fact, it tends to catch them off guard. 

  • Spoiling Fei Yen
  • Collecting interesting knick-knacks
  • Exploring new places
  • Spicy food
  • Having a good laugh
  • Surprises
  •  Rainy weather
  • Working overtime
  • Breaking promises
  • Seafood
  • Cold weather
  • Heartless people

"Don't sweat the small stuff! It'll work out in the end."


Setting. The Celestial Realm where all the Guardian Spirits reside is a place of serene beauty. The clouds have a golden hue and since the laws of physics don't apply, one can find waterfalls in seemingly impossible locations. It is divided into three domains, with four Guardians taking up residence  in each. The domains were only put into place to more easiy characterize the Realm, there are no individual rulers that govern them. Instead, all 12 Guardians work together to ensure stability. 

At the center of the realm is one large sculpture depicting all 12 of the zodiac animals. It is a major landmark and one used by almost all spirit parents as the designated meeting place should their child get lost. Most of the markets are located in the general vicinity of the sculpture, mostly due to the ease of finding said location but also because merchants are a superstitious lot. The residences of the Guardian Spirits themselves are spread out in a circular pattern using the landmark sculpture as its center, like spokes on a wheel. If one seeks an audience with one of the 12 Guardians, all they would need to do is follow the paved roads from the sculpture. 

Work. A Guardian Spirit works the most during their assigned year, as to be expected. They have to ensure their charges receive the appropriate blessings or lack thereof as deemed appropriate. The "off year" Guardians still keep watch on their charges but blessings are not as bountiful. 

Blessings take the form of what their charge is in need of the most, whether they are aware of it or not. For example, they may think their unhappiness stems from a lack of money, but what they really need is an unexpected new confidant and that is what the Guardian will provide.

Where to find him. Meng Yao likes to keep himself busy whether that's helping out at the markets or helping with some new building projects. If he's not aiding the Realm in some way, he's out exploring, looking for new places that he could potentially show Fei Yen. It's honestly hard to keep track of him but just wait long enough and he'll show up eventually. 




[Fei Yen]

Girlfriend. Treats her like a treasure and is always findings ways to spoil her. Complete opposites in nature, it was a surprise to everyone when it was revealed they were dating. Nevertheless their relationship is strong and pure and is the envy of many singles throughout the Realm.

profile html by @hukioluki