


4 years, 11 months ago


Gentle Giant

  • Name Ryuku "Rusty" Pebbles
  • Age Unknown
  • Gender Male (he/him)
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
"I don't understand why I can't take it."


Rusty is a man of solitude. He tends to keep to himself and avoids most social interaction, which is pretty easy to do considering he lives in the middle of the sea. Though when he does meet people, usually people from the land, he's extremely distrustful. He usually flees before he's even spotted. He only ever interacts with people when he's provoked and when he is, he gets aggressive. He's tipped countless fishing boats before just from being angered.

He does love the fish he sees around the water. They're usually the only things he actually talks to, speading gossip around about local fishers or the like. He does care about the environment he lives in, so water pollution is one of the few things that would really get on his nerves.

He's not cold-hearted towards people from the land, even though he tends to have a specific stereotype of them (they eat fish-), he wouldn't leave a person to drown (at least if they haven't tried hurting him before hand). He'd at least make an effort to put them on something that floats before swimming off.

  • Race Nunuke-Oris
  • Masterlist Nunuke-Oris #16
  • Height 15'3"
  • Sexuality Unknown
  • Worth $22
  • ● Rusty's diet mostly consist of plants from the seafloor. Usually kelp. He avoids eating fish at all costs. Fish are friends. Not food. He does get tempted by the scent of blood though.
  • ● Rusty has little to no memory of his life before he was possessed by his hair mouth.
  • ● His scar was cause by an attack from hunters.
  • ● He's very strong, especially considering his size. He can make large waves that can tip smaller sized boats.
  • ● He can talk to sea creatures.
Nunuke traits
  • Skin markings
  • Larger pearls
  • Mixed shape pearls
  • Extra eyes (6)
  • Long ears
  • Different horn-eye amount (8 eye-3 horns)
Spirtus Oris traits
  • Common- 1 Hair mouth, Human hair, Missing halo
  • Uncommon- Monster teeth, Missing tail
  • Rare- Monster horns (gold), Animal legs


Ryuku once started out as a Nunuke child who had a love for the sea. He lived nowhere near the sea. In fact, he lived with his parents under Xygoroth's surface. He's always dreamed of going out there and and seeing the big blue for himself! He'd always bothered his parents how much he wanted to go up the surface for the ocean. At the age of 6, he finally got his wish.

For his birthday, they went up the surface to have a beach vacation. He had the time of his life! He built sandcastles with his mom and collected seashells with his father. He would step into shallow waters with both of his parents. The ocean was massive. It was the best birthday he's had so far.

For the second day they stayed there, Ryuku said hi to the sea turtle eggs first thing in the morning. That was right before they got on a boat to do some whale watching.

After some time of watching whales splish-splashing around, it began to rain lightly. This was a sign that they should be heading back, which they did. But the weather became more drastic before they could even see land. Rain water began to pool in the boat, the wind started to blow small things right into the waves and the worst part, the boat started to rock back and fourth. Ryuku's parents held on to him for dear life. Though that wasn't enough.

With a violent rock of the boat, Ryuku found himself slipping away from his parents' grasps, hitting the bar of the boat before getting thrown into the deep waters.

Little Ryuku found himself sinking deeper and deeper into the sea. Helpless and unable to breathe. He just felt himself drifting into unconsciousness.

He's lost track of time once he's woken up. He was breathing but he was still deep in the ocean, lying back on the seafloor.

He discovers that not only can he breathe underwater, but he could also naturally swim like a fish.

Little Ryuku reached the surface of the waters. The weather seemed to be bright and sunny. As he looked around, he found that he was all alone. Nothing to greet him up there other than the chirping of birds flying over him and the sound of gentle waves.



Whitney is Rusty's hair spirit. It's an old man that was once a pirate in its life. It's Rusty's guardian for most of his life, even though it's advice can be questionable at times. AFterall, it is the reason why Rusty is so distrustful and aggressive. Rusty has eaten a few people in his life time and it's all because of Whitney.


Galene is Rusty's one and only friend that isn't an actual fish. They met when Galene tried to sell something to Rusty but the boy does not have a clue of how selling and buying works so he does just end up unknowingly trying to steal from her. After that, they've been meeting each other by the shore or the docks regularly. Rusty definitely likes being in her presence, it counts as a crush but he doesn't realize.

profile html by Hukiolukio