
4 years, 11 months ago


🌩🐈 R a m i e l 🐈🌩

✨ zeraora ~ 22 years old ~ trans man (he/him) ~ December 5th ~ ♐ ~ orange soul ✨

About ✨ ✨ A free-spirited pokemon who prefers to keep on the move. He will either beg for (by rolling around on the ground) or steal food from humans and pokemon in the cities he visits along the way. His favorite thing to steal is sherbet. He wants to experience the most that life has to offer. He does not have very much patience, and will move on from a boring town as soon as he can. He also gets tired very fast in relationships, with the exception of one friend who gave him his collar. He goes back to visit this friend every once in a while. There is something in his past he's running from, but he does his best not to think about it.

Ramiel loves to play pranks, especially on humans. This has made him an infamous nuisance in the Alola region. He also loves to cause power outages and overloads for humans who have wronged him, or parents he catches yelling at their kids. He hates when someone gets in the way of his cheerful and optimistic attitude, and will do what he can to make the spoilsport's life miserable until he loses interest in doing so. Though he is most often self-centered, he will occasionally try to help a pokemon or human who's suffering or in need. Ramiel does not know or care about any human laws, and will gladly steal from the rich to help the poor and hungry. Or, of course, himself. It goes without saying that such a decadent, careless lifestyle often gets Ramiel into serious trouble...

Moveset ✨ ✨ Plasma Fists - Volt Switch - Hone Claws - Fake Out

Symbols✨ ✨ Element: Air

Flower: Tiger Lily

Fruit: Orange

Gemstone: Pink Tourmaline

Season: Spring

Time of Day: 2 pm

Day of Week: Thursday

Playlist✨ ✨ 🎶 Take a Slice - Glass Animals 🎶 Planetary (GO!) - My Chemical Romance 🎶 Spring and a Storm - Tally Hall 🎶 Someone New - Hozier 🎶 Cesspool of Love - Mother Mother 🎶 Wild Roses - Of Monsters and Men 🎶 Love for Love by Love of Love - PinocchoP 🎶 Blackout - Breathe Carolina 🎶