


4 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info












Personality: Reserved and cold, yet can be a bit matronly when around Midna. Runede is rather hard to get to know at first, unless one can bring about a topic of interest that can intrigue her-such as weaponry. She often feels out of place among those who are able to use magic, and feels threatened by magic -as she cannot protect herself from any sort of magical attack, merely evade them. She also becomes a bit sluggish and moody during the winter, as the cold bothers her.

Background Info/History: 
Runede was born into a family of sorcerers, who - although not top level magic wielders - were very adept at the craft. Thus, it was a sour surprise that Runede was born magicless, a truth that was slowly realized as she grew older without having accidentally used magic like other Twili children.

Growing worried as she neared the age of 8, her parents sent her to several different teachers, hoping that one would be able to awaken the talent within her. Yet, with each passing year, it became evident their child was part of a small group of Twili that would never be able to cast the simplest of spell. Her parent lost hope, and when Runede was 12 they sent her to the Royal Guard so as to become a page.

Runede grew angry towards her parents, feeling they had abandoned her for her lack of talent and no longer wanted her. With his strong emotion, she dedicated herself to being as good of a guard as she could be-so that she could prove she was useful. She paid little attention to her fellows, finding them as useless in her wish to be the best, and so as to aid her she adopted a cold demeanor so none would try to befriend her.

Soon after turning 19, Runede was given her first task of guarding; she was to guard a governor of one of the outlying provinces against any sort of attack on his way to the Twili Palace. Runede, along with several other young guards, did rather well until the group was actually attacked-the young guards scattered in fear of the creature that came upon them; Runede hid within the twisted foliage, watching as the beast tore at the governor’s possessions. She made to run with her peers, but ran out into the creature’s path as it tried to attack her charge. Weaponless and magicless, her back was torn by the creature; but her dumb rush spurred the other guards to take action-and in time they drove the creature off. Though given the opportunity to have her wounds healed with magic, Runede opted to have her wound heal naturally, so as to remind her that one must fight to protect those that are important, even when fear would make one want to run.

Slowly pulled out of her self-made friendless life by the other guards in training who had been at the attack, Runede began to show more emotions and be slightly sociable. However, she retained her cool and stern demeanor, for she felt it suited the reputation of a guard. And, as she grew skilled with weapons and defense, she grew less angry towards her parents-yet still held resentment that they had left her and never come back into contact with her.

At the age of 22, Runede was chosen as one of Midna’s personal bodyguards. As Midna was 8 at the time, Runede played the role of both protector and entertainer-though she rather failed at the latter. Her time with Midna gave her a stinging sense of humor, and helped to plant the seed of emotions that Runede had not fully developed; Midna at a young age helped to, in a sense, give Runede the experiences she missed as a child. As Midna grew older, Runede was less of an entertainer and more of a guard-protecting her against potential assailants and any wild beasts of the Twilight that might attack.

During the events of Twilight Princess, Runede was turned into one of Zant’s personal guard Twilight Beasts-so as to add insult to injury that she had failed to protect Midna, he Made Runede guard him, and turned her into a beast, for then she would be under his full control. Upon Midna’s return, Runede reverted back to normal-yet her forehead was scarred with the mark that had been upon her beast form’s mask. A lasting reminder of her forced servitude.

AU Version split off: during the events of TP, Zant is captured and his magic reversed-yet still leaves the scar upon Runede’s brow. A revolution takes place, led by Zag, and Runede flees into the woods of the realm. Several years later, she encounters Patra and then becomes his bodyguard and lover/wife)