Sophrosnia Lenore



7 years, 10 months ago


Sophrosnia (usually called sophi) is a very spoiled lady. She expects only the best from people around her and expects to be treated like royalty. Some friends jokingly call her princess. She can come off as very self centered, arogant, blunt and quite mean to anyone who disrespects her. Many see her as materialistic as she likes the expensive luxery items many can not afford
Despite her more nasty sounding ways she is just extrememly high matience and expects people to treat her how her family treated her growing up. She is very well off due to her family but does live a more normal life then one might expect of her. She's extremeemly sweet and adores spoiling those who meet her expectations. She is quite dominate and though is a 'princess' will do her own work over employing others to do it and get it wrong

She loves lavishing clothes and will wear just about anything, not seeing the point in sticking to one style of clothing when there's so many out there

Her tails are Yin (mostly black tail, female) and Yang (mostly white tail, male). Yin tends to be very quiet and dislikes doing much of anything, coming off as reclusive. While Yang is a very energetic and loving tail, willing to try the unknown and constantly annoys his sister tail.

Sophi is in a loving relationship with Cascade, spoiling her and adoring her. She often gets her water friends so her fish isn't lonely. She's highly possesive of her cute girlfriend and reacts much worse if you disrespect Cascade (compaired to if you disrespected Sophrosnia).