Abdul Hauff



7 years, 11 months ago


Not much decided about him yet hmmm-- Sharp teeth though! heheh~ So here it goes!


Full name: Abdul Hauff

Pronunciation: ahb-dool how-ff

Nickname(s) or Alias: The Furry Devil

Gender: Male

Species: N/A

Age: 19

Birthday: June 14

Sexuality: Gayyy

Languages spoken: Many

Native language: Rabbit

Relationship Status: N/A


Height: 5'4"

Weight: 130lbs

Figure/build: Slim with some muscle

Hair colour: Milk chocolate with a pink streak

Eye colour: Pink

Skin/fur/etc colour: Bunny ears are the same color as his hair, with the same pink inside as well

Piercings: On his nipples

Scars/distinguishing marks: Scars from rope burns on his wrists and legs

Preferred style of clothing: Semi-traditional Japanese garb

Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: An amulet he keeps tied around the base of his tail


Drinker? Yes, but not an alcoholic

Recreational Drug User? Yes, he uses opium on an infrequent basis

Addictions: The blood of his enemies

Allergies: He is allergic to lettuce


Personality: Loud, overconfident, insecure, blunt, comes off as approachable but is slightly unfriendly

Likes: Biting people, hunting

Dislikes: Being tied up/restrained

Fears/phobias: He is afraid of dogs and any predatory animal that is larger than his knee, also he has claustrophobia and is terrified of being tied up

Favourite colour: The fresh green of new growth in the spring, also pinks and purples

Hobbies: Picking fights, eating sweets, biting people

Taste in music: Soothing music usually puts him right to sleep


Talents/skills: He is rather good at hand to hand combat and swordsmanship - also biting people; he is virtually useless at a distance and cannot aim to save his life

Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles? No, he crashed a cart once - it wasn't even moving yet


Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): Omnivore

Favourite food(s): Cakes, berries, meat

Favourite drink(s): Sweet wines

Disliked food(s): Chocolate, vegetables, bananas

Disliked drink(s): Anything bitter, beer, ale, vegetable juices


Describe the character's house/home: He prefers to wander and has no single home

Significant/special belongings: He carries with him a sword from his father, an amulet from his childhood love, and wears the clothes made from his mother's favorite dress


Level of education: No formal or official education

Qualifications: Ruthless and willing to do just about anything for some coin

Current job title and description: Mercenary for hire


Peaceful or aggressive attitude? Aggressive, will start fights just for fun

Fighting skills/techniques: Hand to hand combat, swordsmanship, biting

Special skills/magical powers/etc: He can focus his magic to heal quickly for short periods of time, but this is exhausting for him

Weapon of choice (if any): Sword and fists

Weaknesses in combat: Distance or ranged fighting, archers are a big problem for him

Strengths in combat: He can take a lot of hits before going down, and his small stature lets him move quickly


Parents names: Amillia and Ramot Hauff

Are parents alive or dead? Dead

Enemies? Why are they enemies? Many, though he doesn't really remember any of them; mostly people he's beat up or offended in some other way, or friends/family of people he's treated poorly


Describe their childhood (newborn - age 10): He lived with his mother and father just outside a small village until he was seven, when the villagers burned the house to the ground and hired mercenaries to kill his parents for the abomination that was their love

Describe their  teenage years (11 - 19): He escaped into the forest and was raised by a hermit blacksmith who used to be a great swordsman; he left home at the age of 13, when the hermit died, and never went back