




She is a really cool person but gets bored easily, serious most of the time but social, Likes to dance breakdance but after a mysterious attack from a creature she lost her both legs. The responsible to take care of her is Eon who created her new legs capables to make fire.

Basic info

Likes: Breakdancing, anime (but doesn't admit it), energy drinks. 

Age: 17

Specie: Dog


Bionic Legs
Has bionic legs, but these are made to make fire through the holes what have on then.

These are made of a lightweight material so her agility and speed are better.

A Little more of her

She is really amazed to find other people who likes anime but wants to appear more cooler so she doesn't say anything. 

Does Not gets so well with Eon but is amazed with his stop-time power.

Many times she gets confused with a boy but she ignores.

Dancing for her is really important almost tradition in her family so is was really painful when the accident happened.
