


4 years, 11 months ago


dfo7h7v-9c15102f-2282-403a-b39c-5b16219f Elise Bag_Love_Ball_Sprite.png

"This wayfarer stuff is easy schmeazy! 'Specially when you're not the leader!"
Name Elise
Level 24
Lineage Smoochum
Type d9mlmex-5e80ca71-2a5c-4537-a698-847accb6d9mlmer-5902e72a-b47a-45a1-974b-f9411031
Age Twenty-Seven
Gender Female {She/Her}
Nature Brave
Characteristic Loves to eat!
Occupation Recruit || Team New Romantics
Team Rank Diamond
Branch Wayfarers
Hometown Kala Island, Holly-Sprig Grove
Design Notes
  • Notably, she is fat! And short! 4'10 to be exact!
  • You will never catch her with her hair down in gijinka form or pokemon form.
  • Her hair is curlier than her app art, it's closer to her feral form, the art is outdated.

+ Positive + {Energetic, Optimistic, Playful}

It’s almost as if Elise has an endless supply of energy, does she ever stop? Is this why she eats so much? She’s always looking on the brighter side of things, even when things seem dim! She always does her best to find a silver lining. Ever the jokester, she’s always either pulling pranks or goofing off, but it’s never anything harmful!

= Neutral = {Curious, Dreamy}

She’s a never ending well of curiosity that is almost impossible to fill, Elise is always asking questions and willing to learn-- but sometimes that gets her into trouble. More often than not, Elise has her head firmly planted in the clouds, she’s got big plans for herself! And while it’s not impossible, they’re quite lofty!

- Negative - {Clingy, Dense, Reckless}

Elise is quite… Affectionate if she likes you, sometimes to the point of being far too annoying about it. You’ll have to chew her ear off to get her to stop. She’s also big stupid. Even though she’s curious, sometimes it takes a bit for things to actually sink in. With her boundless energy, odds are she’s prone to making stupid decisions on a whim. These likely won’t injure anyone but herself though thankfully!

  • She's a big honkin' lesbian.
  • Is notably lactose intolerant, and will not let that stop her.
  • She still hasn’t gotten to punch her birth father and she’s really sore about it
  • She likes to sing like her mom did, but she doesn’t really think she’s that good
  • She’s not afraid of fighting, like at all-- she’ll rush into battle before she would run away from one

Elise is literally too dense to become infatuated or succumb to taunts.
Elise throws hands with the target.
Lick d9mlmfu-0b6861e5-3b90-4fcb-9209-3694d7be
Elise gives the target a big, wet kiss on the cheek! It could also leave the target paralyzed.
Icy Windd9mlmex-5e80ca71-2a5c-4537-a698-847accb6
Elise blows a gust of chilling wind at the target, it also lowers the target's SPEED stat.
This Move Has Not Been Learned Yet.

CW: MINOR Absentee father mention.

When Elise was born, she was a bit of a surprise to her parents, Florence (Jynx) and-- well, she didn’t really have a father. Though, the rumor is that her ‘father’ was the traveling adventurer Callisto (Cacturne), who upon hearing that the woman that he’d bed had become pregnant, fled town. Florence was devastated. She was in no position to raise a child, she was still young herself, being only eighteen at the time. She was lucky that her childhood friend Foster (Mr. Mime) offered to step up and help her out.

Normally, the woman got by on winnings from the local pageants that were held during the seasonal festivals in the small grove, but those winnings weren’t going to be enough to hold them over… So she began to hone her skills with her voice, so that she could perform for coin.

Thankfully, the other residents of Holly-Sprig Grove were kind, most of them were able to spare the new mother supplies, and she very much appreciated the hand me downs from the older residents.

When she was born, both Florence and Foster were enamored. She was the cutest baby either of them have ever seen. Since she was the only baby in their small town at the time, she was often fawned over, once she was eating solids, she-- became the town's little food critic... Though she usually liked everything they gave her.

It was from a young age though, that they knew she was going to be a little troublemaker-- she’d escape the house more often than not, she had a one track mind that loved to explore and learn.Life was easy though, small towns didn’t really have drama… Usually.

Elise was about ten when she met her birth father, and-- well, she didn’t know it at the time. She just knew that her mother knocked a stranger out cold in the middle of town during the summer festival. It was strange when nobody stopped her, but Elise didn’t really pay it much mind either, she was too busy sampling all the tasty foods that were prepared for the festivities.

When she heard though, she was absolutely proud of her mom! Because, well, everyone in town treated that man like he was bad for some reason-- and she fought the bad guy! She was a hero! It wasn’t for another few years that she learned that he was-- well, her father… And that uncle Foster was just a friend of her Mother.

She was sixteen when she got the full story though, and it boiled her blood. Elise vowed from that point on that she was going to find him-- and she was going to get a good hit on him too. What a jerk!

She also wanted to train, because one day she wanted to leave home and explore the world. So, she enlisted the help of her neighbor Minerva (Vanilluxe) to teach her to defend herself-- the woman does wonders when it comes to fighting. She’s the one who taught Elise Icy Wind. That training lasted until she was twenty, it was when she was deemed worthy enough to fight on her own by both Minerva and Florence.

So, it wasn’t long after that she set off on her mission! Which was to try as much food as she could, from all over the world! Also to punch her biological father where it counts, but-- the food part was what she focused on moreover.

She conquered all of Kala Island in her first year, so the next three were focused on hitching rides on various ships to get from port to port and continue her conquest!

It did get lonely after a while for sure, and Elise decided that it was time to return to her home island for a bit... She did miss her mother after all! But, there was an ulterior motive.

When she was twenty four, she made a decision that would one day change her life. What would any normal woman do when she was lonely and wanted a companion to adventure with?

She bust into a tavern one night, and challenged the cutest girl she could find to a drinking contest. If she won? The woman, a Spinda named Gigi, would join her on her escapades... If she lost? Well, that'd be that. A lot of people will say different things about that night, Elise would proudly state that she had won (why else would Gigi be staying with her?)-- but anyone else there that night would tell you that a drunken Elise begged and grovelled at her feet for quite a while. It-- Didn't take much convincing.

And the two did that for a few years, drifting from island to island doing odd jobs for cash. It was-- bliss. The two fell into a steady rythm-- the two fell in love.

It was only a few months before present day that they even realized it though. The two in the middle of just some mundane task, like any other day, Gigi had said something, and Elise responded with an enthusiastic 'I love you' like it was nothing, casual. And something clicked for the two women. It wasn't long before the two begun dating in earnest.

While they were stopped at a small town that-- she couldn't honestly remember the name of in the Slumbering Mountains... Gigi went missing. By went missing, she meant that Gigi went out to the market and hasn't been home for a few hours... When it normally took three hours round trip. But she was agonizing! What if something happened! That's when she ran into Elidor and Gatsby from Team New Romantics and begged them for their help... Gatsby talked Elidor into letting her come along, for the sake of love of course!

Gigi Caubry

Girlfriend — Met during a drinking contest, and the two have been inseparable ever since! Though... She seems to be missing? (She's not.)