OZZY's Comments

I'm interested in this guy as well as https://toyhou.se/21338817.tbn

I can offer characters from either of these folders;



I do like one of your Misc. Concepts, would you be able to turn them into a full design if i do Both Ozzy and the TBN?


I don't have access to digital art and won't for a long while! I could do a traditional sketch, but I don't think that would be worth both characters! 

Would i have permison to color it in digitaly? i wouldnt draw over anything, and you'd still be tagged as the main artist. if so, id be willing to do both :D

I'd be down for that! Do you have discord, we could talk more there and I could send you the image when it's done! My discord is Luzzy#5063!

Yeah! I'll send it in just a sec, my discord is being stupid atm lol