☀️ jeremy



4 years, 11 months ago


ugly ass profile i know sorry it's a wip and i'm finishing it soon.


"blind confidence and a good haircut get you a lot further than you might think, kitto"

verse: fallout new vegas full name: "jeremy" sylvester
age: 30s gender: male


mbti: estp karma: good
orientation: anyone + everyone occupation: bodyguard, odd job doer, ex bounty hunter

jeremy is a ridiculously dashing guy in the best of ways. he doesn't just look the part- he's personable, charming, and likes to help people out even if he's just meeting them for the first time. he's a hit with the socialites on the strip, but can come across as too social or even imposing to the more reserved types of people. the dude really does have good intentions though. he loves socialising, and loves attention even more, so you'll find him practically bathing in it down at the casinos whenever he has the time.
jeremy is smart; out in the wastes, on the streets, and in discussions with other people. he's not averse to politics and will speak his mind when he sees fit (basically always). he argues with facts and, a fair amount of personal anecdotes too; he's been around more than enough to have plenty of experiences to speak of. he likes to be direct while keeping his personal charm, and excels with resolving arguments, making him a lot of peoples' go-to guy when it comes to personal disputes. he doesn't mind at all, actually.


jeremy's mother was a member of the great khans, and his father just an ordinary farmer. the two met by chance, and being young, decided to elope together within a few months. they settled down together in a farming town near vegas, and had jeremy in 2244. jeremy had a need for adventure from a young age, and his young inexperienced parents couldn't keep up with him enough to keep him out of danger. he was a small kid, who actually didn't make friends too easily, and preferred to spend time alone kicking tumbleweeds around and hiding in crops pretending to be a secret government agent and the like. his childhood consisted of a lot of rough and tumble, whether it was against other kids, or whatever nasty wasteland critters he saw as fair game for trying out his new moves on. most of said moves were from old action comics or movie holotapes, but he became a decent little fighter with all the practice he got. he grew up fast when his mother died in an armed robbery at their general store- he was about 15, and left the village soon after, realising he didn't want to live on the farm for the rest of his life, nor be a farmer at all.
jeremy was and is a pretty good shot- he used this to his advantage, making a living from hunting animals and critters for resources and materials to sell. he graduated for bounty hunting for a while in his late twenties but gave it up after a few very close calls. he was, by this point, well known and liked in most major settlements, so finding work wasn't a tough job most of the time. he had nowhere to call home other than the shining vegas strip and the vast hot wastes outside of it- and he didn't mind that one bit. that is until he got a heaping dose of radscorpion venom to the leg, hit his head on a rock, and was officially out of commission for a long while.
during this time, he was having trouble finding jobs that suited him. he couldn't walk long distances, or carry too much extra weight, plus his right eye was now damaged and more or less useless. practically all his usual jobs required strength he simply didn't have at the time, and he found himself sleeping on the streets and rooftops of freeside a few nights a week. it didn't damage his pride, just his mood.
by pure luck, he eventually found a job and a place to stay all in one- a young man in freeside named kitto who fancied himself as an 'independent chemist' was looking for an assistant and capable bodyguard, in return for food, a roof, whatever caps he could spare, and whatever chems took the potential employee's fancy. jeremy took up that job offer as soon as he saw it, and began working for kitto. if you could call it that; jeremy actually got the feeling he was being used as nothing more than an errand runner and sounding board for the dude's (somewhat neurotic) sleep deprived ramblings which jeremy really never understood. kitto was an eccentric man, for sure. he knew better than to argue, however, and grew to enjoy kitto's company, despite the clash in personalities.


race: human height: 5'11
hair: dark brown, dyed purple eyes: brown

jeremy is tall and muscular, but with a pretty straight sillhouette, like a weightlifting string bean. he has dark brown skin, with some freckles, and a lot of scars. he wears an eyepatch over his right eye; he's not completely blind in it, but does have really weak vision- and it's lazy which he's kind of embarassed about. he thinks the eyepatch looks cooler anyway- and he's sort of right.
jeremy cares a fair amount about his image- he's one of the few wastelanders to have teeth in somewhat good condition. he's actually pretty handsome, which is also a contrast to most people and can mostly be attributed to the effort he puts into his appearance. his hair grows in small tight coils, and he keeps it cropped short at the top and shaved around the sides. he uses purple dye in it because it's his favourite colour i guess. the dye doesn't show up well except in the sunlight but he likes it anyway and spends a decent amount of caps each month just to keep the color.
as well as being decorated with freckles and scars all over, jeremy has a lot of tattoos. most are with black ink, and were done by himself. each one of them represents an experience he's had; whether it's an interaction with someone, a person he's met, a story he's heard, or a place he's visited. if you ask him about any of them he will be glad to talk your ear off about it, because he remembers the details of every single one of them.
jeremy's choice of clothing is practicality first and foremost- being a constant traveller of the mojave wasteland, that's not something he can afford to skimp out on. however, he does take style into account a lot more than he'll fully admit. he says he just likes looking sharp to keep up appearances, but he has a certain personal flair when it comes to his appearance which he expresses through clothing.
when travelling, he can usually be seen wearing a bulletproof vest over a light shirt, pants with a lot of supply pouches, sturdy walking boots, and a brown duster coat if weather permits. he wears a black gambler-style cowboy hat with a wide brim. he often tucks cool looking feathers and flowers into his hat and clothes. he prefers to travel without a bag generally, preferring pockets and pouches.