


4 years, 10 months ago
hq mq


She sat down crossing her legs and propping her head up with her paws. With her other free hand she pinched the bridge of her nose. She forgot her glasses. Like usual. A massive headache, perhaps a mirgrane spreading through out her entire head. Ouch. 

A few minutes pass and she's getting awfully bored. Alas, finally the interviewer sat down. Applying for another job. It has to be done.

The fellow was tall, a height that seemed very intimidating to little 5'1 Alice. She was wearing a suit borrowed from her older sister, Lily. She smiled and shook his hand.

"Well then. Shall we start the interview?" He began.

Alice nodded taking a quick inhale, how nervewracking.

"Full name?"

"Alice Jane Newfield."

"Past work expirence?"

Alice's heart sank.

"None." She said nervously.

The fellows expression changed but quickly turned back to normal.

The questions went on and on. 

And finally it was at the end. She stood up, pressing her suit down removing any dust that may have been on it.

The fellow began. "Well, miss Alice. You seem like a very fine woman.."

Uh oh. That's usually a sign of being turned down. 

"And while you seem eager to do your best here at this organization, I believe you are better suited to a different.. field." 

The last part grabbed her attention. 

The fellow reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card, there was no name, no indication of what this job was and all that was there was a number.

He slid the card to her and she decided to put it in her pocket. Her voice was defeated but it's way too embarrassing to show that, so she didn't. She pulled a small smile, all she could really do after getting rejected again and the man got the door for her. She left the building and walked to her car. 

She groaned. The parking meter was beeping indicating to be paid again. It seems once something bad happens it just doesn't stop does it..? She flopped in her car and sighed pulling out quickly of the parking space to avoid getting a ticket. 

The drive home was another disappointing one. Of course there was traffic. When she arrived into her small one bedroom apartment, she sat down on her bed, and just laid there for a while. She reached into her pocket and looked at it. 

Ah. Why not? Alice thought as she dialed the number.

A voice on the other side. "Alice Newfield! I'm so pleased that you called in."

Alice just stayed silent. This man was expecting her?

The man continued talking to her. She was mostly tuning it out expecting to be asked to come into another interview and be rejected. But suddenly a sentence of intrest.

"I'd like to offer you a job."

Alice shot up surprised. "Do you really mean it?"

"My, my so excited! You haven't even heard the career yet." He replied.

"Well, sir." She cleared her voice and continued. "I'm very capable of doing pretty much any job, and I'm sure I can ajust to whatever it is!" Her voice excited at the chance of getting a job.

"Even..killing people?"

Alice was silent. "Sorry, might you repeat that?" Did he say what she thought he said?

"Killing people. A hitman, well a hitwoman in your case."

"Wh-What makes you think I am capable of such a job?" Her voice cracked. 

"Intuition." The man announced grandly.

Alice held back a chuckle. It was true. She did have expirence in using guns due to having a sister in the military. She'd be in the military too if it wasn't for..

"I'm not sure. What about getting caught, I don't want to touch a dead body.." She kept on rambling. 

"We have special services for all aspects. Your job is just to shoot."

"I don't think I can.." she started but got cut off.

"I'll give you time." And he hung up.

Another day, another week of constant rejections. With each passing day she thought more and more about that certain job.

Then on that one Tuesday, she dialed a number.

And said a simple sentence that would change everything.

"I'll do it."

 Outdated written piece by FroggingOut on TH !! ((Feel free to delete))