
4 years, 10 months ago


Age: 8 (Kobolds become adults by age 6)

Gender: Male

Species: Kobold

Height: 2 ft

Sexuality: Gold

Status: Single

♦ Rouge
♦ His egg was sold on a black market as a 'Dragon egg.'
♦ He was thrown out into the streets when he hatched and proved not to be a dragon.
♦ Was pretty much raised by a homeless group, who taught him how to steal and survive in the streets.
♦ Travels with his (human) best friend Ashley.
♦ Very chaotic and is always full of energy
♦ Loves money and shiny things. Will do everything to get it. Has to be kept on a leash to be held back.


  • Red scales, with darker spots.
  • Yellow eyes.
  • Dark brown horns, and dog like nose.
  • Wears bandages on arms and legs for aesthetic.
  • Black horns and spikes
  • Wears dark leather clothes to hide easier in the shadows
  • Wears some gold medals that he's stolen.