


4 years, 10 months ago


Name Ryann
Pronouns She/They
Age 19
Species Guernsey Cow
Orientation Lesbian
This profile belongs to: mabel-ology
Ryann Maeve Novelle ♡
 ⚬ Tall ⚬   ⚬ Buff ⚬   ⚬ Comedic ⚬ 

Ryann was born in New Jersey and raised in a quiet apartment compacted with her three other siblings. Her father met her mother in middle school and were childhood sweethearts ever since then. Ry is the youngest sibling after her father passed away during the war. Her mother became very stand-off ish and had dumped a lot of her friends and family from her life. Ry looked very much like her father so her mother chose Ry as her favorite child. Her mother put Ry through the best of classes in Jersey so she could grow very successful, as that was her father’s wish.

Once Ry passed through high-school with flying colors, she moved to California to pursue her dream as a writer for a big company or even be her own company. Once Ry was settled into her apartment, she had gotten a job at her local coffee shop "ButterQueens Cafe" they had the best coffee. ButterQueens had closed down due to infestation so Ry was out of a job and she was passed due her rent. Ry had gotten evicted from her apartment and avoided telling her girlfriend Autumn about the issue because she didn’t want to be a burden to her. Ry had been living on the streets until her nineteenth birthday when she had finally confronted Autumn about it. Autumn, of course, was very supportive and let her move into her apartment. Autumn paid for Ry’s plane ticket and Ry moved up to Quadra Island.

(still a wip)







  • Gaming
  • Tea
  • Mabel
  • Working out

  • Politics
  • Bugs
  • Coffee
  • Traveling (long distance)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris ullamcorper, ipsum sit amet sodales posuere, risus erat finibus nisi, ultricies placerat tellus mi eget odio. Proin mattis velit purus, sit amet ullamcorper dolor pulvinar vel. Curabitur lectus est, condimentum non auctor nec, condimentum ut mauris.

Donec at bibendum velit. Morbi iaculis ultricies nulla, vitae tempor massa porta quis. Phasellus ac odio eu felis dignissim ornare vel vitae augue. Quisque cursus metus ligula, id cursus sapien tincidunt non.

Design Notes

  • Can have paws or hooves (what you can draw best).
  • Her plugs can be changed.
  • Her hair can be put in a bun instead of a ponytail.
  • She's a little muscley!!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra vulputate arcu quis tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra vulputate arcu quis tincidunt.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra vulputate arcu quis tincidunt.