Amira Malraux



7 years, 11 months ago



Name (Pronunciation): Amira Malraux

Nickname (Pronunciation): Ammie

Age: 17

Date of Birth: 12/05

Place of Birth: Cantlin

Gender: Female

Race/Species: Demon

Language(s): English, Gaelic, Dragon

Phrase(s): "Amore?"

Physical Description

Height: 5'1''

Weight: n/a

Eyes: Green

Hair: Short mint color with a single strip of brown in it

Skin: dark brown/grey with tribal markings on her body

Physical Description: she is short, and sometimes have to fly to talk to certain demons

Typical Clothing: Her dress with black shoes with leg covers

Equipment: n/a

Personality/Attitude: Very shy, curious and playful

Talents/Skills: Fastest flyer

Favorites/Likes: Sweets, her crush, flying and dragons

Most Hated/Dislikes: Trolls (they stink)

Weaknesses: Sweets and copper

Fears: Losing to her crush in a race

Hobbies/Interests: Flying around the kingdom at top speed, making whip cream clouds.

Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: She likes to sleep in weird positions like upside down from the cieling

Sexual Preferences: Either

Place/Type of Residence: Brecconary (fishing village)

Occupation: Fisherman's daughter