
4 years, 10 months ago


Lyra (Blossom of Summer)


Name Lyra
Age 25 yrs
Gender ID Cis woman
Pronouns She/Her
Sexuality Lesbian
Race Tabaxi
Background Soldier
Height 6'5"
Demeanor Intimidating
Home/Origins Soothing Caves Clan
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Tarot The Chariot
Aesthetics Board


  • axes
  • doing very dumb things
  • hearty foods
  • battle scars (they're cool)
  • fighting
  • sleeping outside
  • writing letters
  • stones


  • formal wear
  • chickens (she will eat them)
  • water
  • religion
  • wimps
  • people getting in her way
  • being interrupted
  • bagpipes

Lyra is a level 11 multiclass, with 6 levels in Barbarian (Path of the Berserker) and 5 levels in Warlock (The Hexblade; Pact of the Tome). She knows little but impulsivity and red hot rage, as those traits were nurtured in her during her upbringing. While she is uncomfortable with softness in any form, she simply can't help but have a little in her still, though she tries to lock it up at any cost.
General Traits List: Force of chaos, adventurous, reckless, athletic, uncooperative, daring, adrenaline junkie, unmannerly, low self worth, independent, cruel, gritty, modest, socially awkward, punctual, spontaneous, aggressive, frugal, intense, uncompromising, tough, abrasive, loyal, dedicated, shows care in unconventional ways.

(WIP/reworking) Lyra is best described as feral (on purpose). She embraces her violent nature and cannot resist a good fight; she will not stop fighting even if severely injured. She is reckless to the point it could easily get her killed, and she would let it happen without a care. She is brash, can be rude, bold, determined, very brave, and cocky. Contrary to what it may seem, though, she is actually fairly intelligent and carries quite a few life skills on her, as well as being quite considerate to those she truly cares about (i.e, her family). However, this is often overshadowed by her stupid, chaotic-as-all-hell actions and her fierce ability to intimidate others. She is a true adrenaline junkie and does these things, often, on purpose. She gets swept away in the intensity of a fight/chaotic situation and may just end up doing the stupidest thing possible. She can also be very, very scary and she will use it to her advantage. She is also very adaptable to pretty much any place she goes, and is not stuffy/picky/etc., so therefore easy to house/make accommodations for. She is a chameleon. She is also extremely perceptive/aware of her surroundings at all times, being able to hear from very far away as well as being able to read lips.
Lyra cares little regarding what/who she has to kill; if they are in her way, she will take them down. In that way, her morals can be considered skewed. However, those she fights beside she would die for, and those she comes to care about she would give up everything to. She is a tough shell to break, but one well worth it. She is not very socially inclined due to her fight-everything-I-see nature and tell-it-how-it-is attitude, so others must take the first steps to get close to her. Additionally, she doesn't care about getting dirty or being crude and is often referred to as tomboyish.

As a result of her upbringing/household, Lyra is distant emotionally. She thinks mainly with anger and violence, sometimes with logic but swallows down any thinking with her heart. She does not cry or get emotional; it would take a lot for her to have this type of emotional response to something. By extension she views these emotional types of outbursts as embarrassing for others and annoying. She has a clouded/buried sense of empathy. She is prone to fits of rage and violence. This is the only real way she knows how to act. Additionally, Lyra isn’t used to nor comfortable with casual social interaction. She’s very unfamiliar with how to talk to people like a friend vs. an elder, a higher-up, a boss, parent, etc. That being said, she has an in-depth understanding of table etiquette & the like. After leaving home, however, she rarely addresses people (even those she recognizes as authority) with the same respect, dignity and etiquette she does those back home. This is likely an unconscious form of rebellion against her upbringing. However, she continues to perpetuate her parents’ other teachings (toughness, anger, a repression of emotions) to an extreme degree regardless.
Lyra also struggles with a feeling of uselessness. She feels that she hasn't done much, if anything, significant in her life, and is secretly disappointed in herself over many things. This is part of the reason she left home, or wanted to in the first place.


Early Life

wip. everything from here can also be considered a wip, lyra needs an overhaul! Change lyras backstory to be that she fought in rings and shit

Not so Much to Say

Lyra, whose real name back home is "Blossom of Summer" or Blossom for short, is the daughter of 2 parents (Ivory Tusk, mom, and Velvet Curtain, dad) who are retired guards of the clan in the forest they lived in, and is the 3rd born of 7 other tabaxi. However, it was only 3 of them that survived. Lyra has 2 living siblings - Jade (Jade Eye; an older sister who helps their parents at home; 35) and Bee (Honey of Bee; an older brother with immunodeficiency who is married to a man currently out raising money to buy them a proper home, who is unable to properly support himself; 30). Lyra is the youngest of her surviving siblings.
From a young age, Lyra looked up to her parents and strove to become a part of their local guard ranks as soon as she came of age. Her parents were tough, encouraging a household of respect and, though the family was tight knit, it wasn’t one of much outward love and emotion. The tougher you were in that household, the better off you were. Her parents both discouraged crying, hugging/physical contact/comfort in general, and typically casual interaction with them. Lyra and her siblings were not allowed to go to them for comfort. Despite this, Lyra has a fierce devotion to her parents and does not allow others to speak ill of them. Lyra’s father also taught her in hand-to-hand combat and how to hold weapons, as a part of her training to be a part of the guard.
Despite being the youngest, Lyra is quite protective of her brother and sister. Bee, having so many physical struggles so often, was more the center of Lyra's attention before she left to join her current party. While in bootcamp and then a part of the guard, and as she began to make coin of her own, she moved out of home. Around the same time, Bee met Cilas, his future husband (a half-elf ranger & previous adventurer). Lyra was skeptical of him as Cilas was also an (allegedly) recently-retired assassin, but she soon warmed up to him upon noticing that her brother made him a better person and he truly seemed to care for him. Eventually, the bunch of them actually became close friends. For a while, Lyra helped them financially while Cilas struggled to find and hold proper jobs to support them. As she continued life as a guard of the clan, though, Lyra, being the adrenaline junky she is, would often get into fights amongst other guards, or jump the gun in training regiments, or just go too hard on things she shouldn't have. Despite her strong passion for what she was doing, she was simply too violent and angry for it.
Lyra was forced to quit by the head guard about 3 years into her position. Because of this, she could also no longer really help her brother and brother-in-law financially; so she encouraged Cilas to join a party far down south looking for recruits to help in some dungeon expedition, offering a fair sum of gold for help in their adventures. Cilas was reluctant to leave Bee, especially considering he wanted to go with him, but the ranger eventually agreed and set out in order to raise that money they needed. Lyra, meanwhile, brought Bee back home to stay with their parents so that she could go off to the east in order to search for her own form of income elsewhere. Her mother did not want her to go, but she and her father ultimately convinced her to allow it (her father saw it as an opportunity for her). Lyra promised to write to them.


She set off and traveled on her own for quite awhile, mostly isolated and training on her own-- but finding work few and far in between. She is still very poor. However, on her journey, she herself ran into a traveling party that was looking to fight the Red Hawks (a faction in the area threatening the lives of many, them included, as they had been framed by the leader of the faction, Tyranthraxus). Being a barbarian and likely very useful asset to the group, they ask and she agrees to join them at the promise of a hefty gold reward, little does she know she'll get a lot more than she bargained for by joining them.


  • Lyra is blind in her left eye. She accidentally scratched it too hard when in rage once and did it to herself.
  • She enjoys being scary and scaring people. She considers this an asset.
  • Once she starts fighting, she cannot stop. And she can and will instigate a fight, always. She becomes bloodlusted.
  • Has a social weakness is pretty women. She gets shy with them if they're nice to her, especially. Though self-critical in general, she is never shy otherwise.
  • Her voice claim is Catra from She-Ra and The Princess of Power.



Prosperine Ecstasy [ girlfriend ]



Gale Drivale [ friend ]



Bee (Honey of Bee) [ older brother ]



Jade (Jade Eye) [ older sister ]
