Raven Rabbit





Raven Rabbit








5’0” ft








Paintball Gym Employee


Mu Clan



Raven is currently a Mu Floss who works at a paintball gymnasium in the Mu Clan. She helps stock up on paint supplies in the guns that are typically used during a fun session. Whenever she clocks out from work, she’ll play and enjoy a paintball battle herself with her best friend Audrey.

Unbeknownst to her, a yandere boy that’s one of her co-workers has fallen for her. He’s dangerous and fantasizes about wanting her all for himself, and she’s completely unaware of this.


Raven’s friendly and outgoing. She’s also athletic and likes to get active! You could say she’s a morning person because you can often find her exercising at the crack of dawn. Jogs in the park before the sun comes up are her thing.

She’s also pretty generous and selfless overall. She’ll give to anyone that looks like they’re in need of something or anybody that seems less fortunate than her. Raven just believes that it’s the right thing to do. Respect someone and hopefully they’ll respect you back. And if they don’t, then they’re not worth your time.


As a Mu, Raven has healing powers. She can use them decently enough. When it comes to more severe injuries, like broken bones or something, it takes a lot more out of her to heal those. She’s gotta heal something that’s really bad over time, she can’t do it all at once.

It does come in handy whenever she experiences a simple fall or something! Since she can easily heal that in a matter of a few minutes.


Raven grew up in a household full of guys. Her mother had died in an accident shortly after her second birthday, so it had always just been her dad and her three other older brothers for as long as she could remember.

While growing up, all of her brothers ended up getting into sports. Naturally, so did she. It probably helped that their dad soon made a name for himself as a famous personal trainer and put a lot of emphasis on health and taking care of yourself.

And now she currently works at a paintball gymnasium. She discovered paintball when she was sixteen and has loved the idea of it ever since. She had originally taken up this job as a part-timer, but after finding out that college wasn’t for her (she dropped out during the first semester), she decided to work full-time instead.

She’s satisfied with her life right now and aspires to do something in fitness and exercise in the future.


Her co-worker Yin sometimes stares a little too much or breathes a bit heavily around her. Raven hopes he’s okay. She knows that he’s a bit socially awkward and tries to be friendly with him anyway. Little does she know about the truth.

She never did all that great in school, so it wasn’t a surprise for Raven when she had to drop out from college.


4564214? Audrey Awesome

best friend

5061918?1576569603 Yin Myers

friendly co-worker

5013370?1576569671 Paisley Myers

Yin’s nice brother (and a future crush)

5571151?1579531793 Jiro Ione

future nightmare fuel

Yeah, yeah, let’s play!
