
4 years, 9 months ago



Floyd Haywood

23 ✦ male ✦ red panda

"road work ahead? uh, yea, i sure HOPE it does!"


Floyd Haywood is a laid-back, playful, charismatic heartthrob college student who works at the local burger chain. he is loud and pretty vulgar, and sometimes unintentionally insensitive, but he loves to make people laugh and is always messing around. it is very rare you'll find him serious, upset or angered by anything, although he can be passive-aggressive and sarcastic to those he doesn't like or finds annoying ( despite being considered kind of annoying himself, by many ). however he can unintentionally be a jerk when he doesn't mean to be, and in reality he can just be blunt, especially when he's annoyed. he majors in culinary arts in hopes to become a professional chef, and in hopes that it would spark his big start as a cook he took up an easy cashier job at a nearby fast food joint -- only to end up hating his job. he will do pretty much anything to get out of work, even sometimes just straight up leaving in the middle of his shift, but has yet to be fired for some reason. Floyd loves to eat, play video games, eat some more, listen to music, and hang out with friends. he is very rarely seen without wearing a beanie because his hair is a complete mess at all times. He lives with his sister, who he is extremely close with and considers his best friend.


Floyd pretty much has the natural appearance of a red panda, the only oddity being his bright green eyes, which he often has behind glasses. sometimes, although infrequently, he can be seen without his glasses in favor of contacts. it is EXTREMELY rare to see him without a beanie or hat on, as his hair underneath is a spiky, untamed mess that he can't be bothered to clean up. floyd usually wears casual-neat clothing such as button-down shirts and flannel, but almost always is wearing jeans. but he also really likes hoodies, graphic tees, and hawaiian shirts as well. he's not a huge fan of sweaters but he may lounge around in them along with a pair of sweatpants.

  • cats
  • romcoms/chick flicks
  • fast food
  • memes/vines/tik toks/etc.
  • cooking and baking
  • his job
  • being bored
  • hot weather
  • mornings
  • unnecessarily rude people

Origin and Notes

Floyd represents an older brother figure that i wished i had. he acts as a character i can seek comfort in when im feeling alone facing the struggles of settling into a more mature lifestyle. but he also reminds me to stay true to yourself, even if that self is childish and silly, and to stay optimistic even when things seem bad.

  • voice claim is Will Roland.
  • can be drawn with his glasses off but it is NOT  preffered.
  • his last name 'haywood' is inspired by nate heywood, my favorite Legends of tomorrow character.
  • pinterest board


Floyd and his sister Arrow are EXTREMELY close, nearly inseperable. They make sure to look out for each other and take care of each other, and not once do they choose anything or anyone over each other. they are currently roomates and pretty much spend the day watching movies and indulging in junk food if they're not working or out with friends. Also vine references. lots and lots of vine references ...


Floyd's relationship with Kaitlyn is a special one. Floyd's had a crush on Kaitlyn pretty much ever since they met, and this affection for her only grew more as they got to know each other. He thinks Kaitlyn is very sweet, kind, and caring, and deserves better than all that she's been through. he promised her that even if she didn't want to be with him, he would respect that, and as a friend, make sure to protect her and be there for her whenever she needs him. initially, Kaitlyn was hesitant to get close to him, in fear of him getting hurt or worse, and because shes not once but TWICE lost those she's loved. however she couldn't deny her own feelings for him, and after a lot of convincing ( and seeing how much floyd truly cares about her ), she decided to give him a chance, and now they couldn't be happier.


Gideon is Floyd's pet cat, who he fawns over constantly and spoils WAY too much. he LOVES that cat more than himself, and sometimes even treats her like some sort of queen. Gideon is a bit of a skittish little thing, but she is very affectionate towards floyd and loves him very much. she can often be found sitting on his keyboard while he works and lying on his face while he sleeps.

profile html by Hukiolukio